✔️Chapter 5: Discovery

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My first day here, I want to check out the school first. Someone is supposed to assist me but I just walked to the school by myself, not wanting to wait that lady from yesterday to have to come. Thankfully, one of the men who fetched me, Jaypee, is my neighbor.

My first class, according to my schedule, went smoothly. But something happened just before the ending of my second class.

The teacher tapped me in my shoulders, happily congratulating me for being able to come here. It was only a moment, but few of his memories, his past, flashed to my mind.

Before I could even decipher what was that, classmates came one after another. They were surrounding me and I couldn't act to refuse when everyone is briefly taking my hands for their own greeting.

I don't know why my ability is especially active today, but I could literally see everyone's past in my head. Moreover, there was one thing similar to them all.

Is that called transformation? WHAT THE FUCKING TOWN DID I JUST ENTER??!!

Despite the bunch of information coming into my head, I managed to leave them a smile before I ran to an isolated place. Coincidentally, it was a library that no one seems to visit already.

I was staring at the books, busy making my breathe stable. Back when I was still in the city, I really was best in analyzing. And today I am using that skill to understand what I just saw in everyone's memories.

They all have moments of tranforming into a dog - no, rather they call themselves werewolves. And now that I think about it, why is there very limited information about this place in the internet, why is it so isolated, why was it strange the moment I woke up this morning.

It's all a puzzle. But the answer is easy, this whole town is a werewolves' town and they all are aware that I am a human. I remembered the woman who warned me in the bus.

She told me that anyone who comes here never comes back. Yet from all the memories I read from these people, never was there a harmful or dangerous activity that they were doing.

Maybe, just maybe, people who comes here never wants to comeback after seeing how beautiful it is from up here.

I didn't notice that two hours has already passed. What fully brought me to the present is when the door bursted open. Seriously it shocked my soul out of me.

"What the hell is your problem!? You could just walk peacefully!" I shouted without even looking at the perpetrator. As soon as I layed eyes on him, oh damn shoot, what a strangely handsome dude he is.

His emerald eyes met mine and something weird clicked on me. I blinked away instantly because of the vibe he was giving.

I shut my mouth instantly and came back to my sit, trying to concentrate on my reading. But after sensing him stare at me like shit, I glared up to him again.

"What is it now?" I said, annoyed because the longer I look at him the longer I imagine how hot he would look like in werewolf form.

He only stared at my eyes, and I did not back out too. Hmph.

"I said what?" I said more loudly. "Are you here to finally say that I'm not allowed here?"

When he still did not react on what I did, I stood up and walked right in front of him. I only stopped in an appropriate distance then waved my palm in front of his face.

Lol dude, I'm starting to think you were stunned by my beauty.

"Hello? Am I talking to someone? Do you even hear me?" I was determined.

It did not surprise me when I saw him sighed, took a last look at me and exited the library. I could have laughed at it but I noticed there were other people in the room.

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