✔️Chapter 10: Damned Shirt

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The clingy drama I had ended after another two days of Xander babysitting me and the pests bringing me food. At exactly the fifth day where I felt better, Peaches replaced Xander. He said he can still make it but in the end he didn't managed. I believe he already got busy with whatever work he has.

It's good that my red days ended because today is the start of sports week as they told me but I saw it in vision that they originally call this week 'hunters reign'. They warm up their bodies by playing sports and at the end of the day, the students will be sent to the forest to train hunting.

Just like last time's activity where I was exempted because my classmates had practice in hunting. They can't just delay everything just because of me, can they?

"You sure you're okay now?" Peaches keep up with my pace as I walk to school.

"I'm not a total patient, girl. And I think I'll only experience it now."

"Oh, I thought you're normally like that whenever you have period."

"No, of course. That was my first unbearable red flag. I don't know if it's because I'm here or it just feels like someone's causing it." I shrugged with my sarcasm, but I didn't imagine Peaches would actually take it seriously.

"M-Maybe because of him. Because you two met?" She lowered her voice. I heard it anyway.

"Who?" I stopped at her invented conclusion.

"The Alpha. No, Xander." She corrected herself, panicked.

"You know what, Xander served as my pain reliever while I'm at it. Why else do you think I kept him on my side?"

Her jaw dropped open again and I took the chance to leave her be. I'm not sure why I said that but I'm more curious on why she said that about Xander.


My afternoon was going peaceful already if it's not Peaches leaving questions on my mind. I've participated in volleyball and thankfully I can match the werewolves' strength in the play. Of course I am not a weakling as human either. We still have the last round later after this short break.

Currently, I was busy organizing things on my locker and my mind was not really present when someone behind me forcefully pushed my door locker close. I hissed when my fingers stuck on the corner.

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped." I heard a female's bithcy voice behind me.

I turned around to look at her with a poker face. She smirked once again with her lips tinted with bright red color. I thought this kind of bullying is old fashioned, damn it, at least choose the best way to bully. Bitch.

She laughed so loudly like a speaker. "I said I'm sorry. I didn't see a weakling hanging around in the corner."

"I understand that every school has a bitch and I feel sorry to you for playing the role." I simply stated and faced my locker once again to look for my sports uniform and leave this hall already as students are starting to gather.

"Hmph, you think you're no different?" the bitch then lifted a shirt on her hand with my name imprinted on it. Sh*t, I can't believe I'll be experiencing this childish bullying I only see on shows. "Oh, no! Are you looking for this?"

"What do you want?" I sloppily asked her, rubbing my nose off.

"Don't be so clingy with them, especially Xander. Who do you think you are to be friends with us, lowly creature." she says with eagerness.

"Tell them that then. I was not the friendly one in the first place. But I've just decided to befriend whoever I can and you are not one to tell me who I can't, especially Xander." I smirked, obviously provoking her by mentioning his name.

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