✔️Chapter 13: What Mate?

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As soon as I got to my cabin, I took off whatever I was wearing and jumped into shower. It reduces my stress a bit but I couldn't stop thinking about how I poured my pain on Xander when he was the one helping me. Peaches, included.

After showering, I prepared a bathtub and stayed there for an hour, reflecting. I remembered the last time I cried, it was when I couldn't take the pain of losing my mom, my only partner in facing this evil world.

I remembered my father too, who I saw crying in the vision. I questioned their love for the first time. If my father loved Mom, why'd he have to marry another woman who is already blessed with children? I don't understand.

Moreover, after Mom died, my father totally disappeared from my sight. My step sister only told me later on that he has disowned me a long time ago, it was useless showing hope.

But now, I'm not going to shed a tear. This is nothing. I can do it. I can be a bad bitch too.

I stood from the bathtub and went out the bathroom without grabbing myself some towel.

Still not on my mind, I found a person's figure beside my bedroom's door with my peripheral view. I rolled my eyes instead of screaming, considering the fact that I am completely naked. I kind of know who this person might be.

I turned around to him, not in the mood to cover myself. Gentleman as he is, Xander kept his eyes only on mine and did not slide down further. I laughed inside me seeing how red his ears are.

We blinked at each, waiting who to give up first.

"Am I the one obliged to cover myself? Or shouldn't you just turn around or cover your eyes because you're the one intruding in my personal space?" I said, a bit seriousness and sarcasm.

I heard him whispered a curse before literally just turning around and not leaving the room. Woah, this guy indeed has guts.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I started a conversation to fill in the sound of rasping clothes as I dress.

"Why are you here instead of Peaches?" I asked because I couldn't think of any better questions anymore.

"Are you okay now?" He says gently, not answering my question. I'm surprised he did not ask why I expected Peaches instead of him.

"I was doing fine, until you asked."

"Am I causing you a bad emotion too?" his voice was mixed with a hint of pain.

I immediately responded, dropping what I was doing. "No no. Hmm. It just that you asking reminds me how pathetic I was."

"You were brave." he still convinced me. Urgh, seriously, how was that brave?

"You are basically here to comfort me I know but that's not the best way to do it, Xander." I giggled.

"What do you want me to do then?" he was still serious.

"Bring me an ice cream, anything sweet maybe?" I tried to kid but I heard him left already before I could take it back. That handsome guy really doesn't have a sense of humor.

I was finished drying and dressing myself when I heard the front door clicked. Meeting Xander in the kitchen, I watched as he comfortably operated in my house as if it was his. He got me a spoon and scooped me some ice cream.

I laughed at the thought running through my mind.

I smiled saying, "Your actions are sweeter than this ice cream."

"So you could joke at this time huh?" He sat on the stool in front of me, eyeing my every move.

"That wasn't a joke, but you could take it as one."

We were silent for the next minutes. Only the sound of me eating could be heard.

"I am sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to be rude to you and Peaches. I didn't mean what I said to you." I couldn't stop myself after all.

"That was why you were brave." He smiled, and I joined him. "Do you wanna play a game?"

"Why not? What's it?" I was excited.

"You'll say everything I will be saying." his glimmering eyes didn't left mine.

I started it right away, mimicking him, "You'll say everything I will be saying."

I waited for the next word he'd say, but it did not come. Xander's face twisted into unexplainable expression, as if he was thinking deeply about something. Deciding, intensely and accurately.

What words could he be thinking about so much? Were it so dangerous for me to mimic? At the moment I was not expecting the most, he spoke in coarse and low voice,


I paused, eyeing him suspiciously before opening my mouth in hesitance, "Mate?"

My tone came out as a question, but I said the word in the end nonetheless. I knew deep in myself that some weird and unidentifiable 'thing' changed. I felt it, it was a huge yet unnoticeable change.

And lastly, I knew Xander's reluctance earlier had something to do with it. Even worse, it might actually be what he is targeting to happen in the first place.

Without knowing, my lips moved on their own, "What happened?"

It was so low that still filled the deadly silent kitchen.

"Nothing happened. Why'd you speak? We were playing a game, right?" Xander was a sly, I learned that about him today.

I realized how his eyes always squints in such cunning way, radiating an ambience of vicious scheme. He is clever as well, and charming. Why am I suddenly so captivated by this werewolf?

"Xander, do you have a mate?" My voice turned out to be more serious. I still cannot come up with a reason why he had me saying 'mate'. Now I ended up asking an old topic I thought we tackled already.

He sighed, "You seemed to be always curious about that."

"Only because you mentioned it first." I responded. "And honestly, you don't give precise answers too."

Xander nonchalantly shrugged, "Whether I like it or not, I will have a mate. Everyone has."

"You mean everyone in this town?" I glibbed carelessly.

His left eyebrow raised in surprise.

"Probably. Unlike you who have a choice." his face turned dark yet again, turning away from me.

My heart ached inside my chest, I don't know what pain my face is showing but I know how my breath is cut off.

For a split of second, I wanted him to know about me, that I know everything about them, and I want him to share secrets with me.

He stood up abruptly, saying that his business was done here and he has more things to do.

I stopped him, grabbing his hand. Tingles spread from our hands again and reached every corner of my being. He said before that it had the same effect on him. Like me, he stiffened in the touch.

"You're right, I have the choice to be with whoever I want. So if I like Julio, we can be-"

Facing me with rage in his eyes, he slapped my hand away from him and punched the nearest wall his fist found.

"If you will like anyone, I will kill them!" he yelled furiously.

My head nodded in satisfaction. "Okay, I got my answers. You can leave now."

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