𝐶ℎ. 3~ 𝐸𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑠???

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One second dad was talking to me about elves and weird sparkly stuff, the next everything around me turned black and I was free-falling into black emptiness.

Then the black around me suddenly turned into blue sky and I could see the ground below.

I was falling towards it.

I stopped screaming and took a deep breath. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

I hit the ground and everything around me went black.

I woke up on a bed, super soft I felt like I never wanted to get off.

I got up and looked around. I was in a room that looked oddly like the infirmary at camp, except most of the things there were just strange liquids.

"And he's awake!" I heard someone say from a small room besides all the beds.

I saw a man walk out, he looked about in his thirties, and had a kind of playful look. His face had smile lines and he looked really friendly.

"Uhh who are you?" I asked, because I was really getting freaked out right now. Where had dad sent me?

He looked at me weirdly. "I'm Elwin." He said, as if that should be obvious. "I've never seen you before... and I never forget a face. Are you a level five?"

"Huh what?" Level five? I was really confused right now.

"Your current Foxfire level." He sounded confused now.

"Foxfire? Isn't that a type of fungus?"

"Boy do you know where you are?"

"Uhh no? Where am I?"

"Foxfire, in the lost cities. You crashed right outside the school."

"Foxfire? What state is that in?"

"State? Are you talking about the human cities?"

"Human- of course what other cities-" I stopped short. Elves.

No no nononono. I wasn't really believing that.

"You're not an elf, are you? What's your name?"

This is it. Dad had done something to me and now I was hallucinating.

I realized he was waiting for an answer. "N-Nico, I stammered." Oh well, I'd already lost it, might as well just play along.

"And-" There was a crash behind him. A boy and girl stumbled into the room, they both looked horrible and bloody and had scratches all over them.

"What happened??" Elwin asked, worried.

The boy just stared at the girl and then at Elwin. He had a stream of blood running down his face but didn't look as bad as the girl did.

"Neverseen-" the girl panted. "Outside-" she promptly passed out.


"So..." I said.

The girl - Sophie, I think - was awake and Elwin had treated her and the boy's wounds.

"You're not speaking the enlightened language." The girl noted.

"The what?"

"You're speaking English."

"Yeah...?" I said.

"What's your name?"


"Is that a question?"

Was this an interrogation?

"Are you an elf too?" I asked.

"What do you mean- you're not?" Her eyes widened. "Are you human?"

I slowly nodded.

"He fell from the sky and crashed outside the school." Elwin piped up from a small side room.

"How'd you get here?" The boy spoke up. I'd forgotten he was even there. "I'm Fitz, by the way."

"Long story." I said, not having the patience to sit and explain Greek gods and how Hades, my father, had sent me here to show me that he was, indeed, correct about the elves thing. But I still didn't see how these people could be a threat. All I saw were sparkles everywhere.

"We have time." Sophie said. "Because clearly I'm not going anywhere until Elwin let's me." She glared at the physician.

"Okay then." I took a deep breath, trying to figure out where the heck I was supposed to start. "So you ever heard those Greek myths...."




This girls mom was Umber.

Like, the creepy psycho shade that almost killed Sophie and Fitz and had them stuck in the healing center for months a while ago? Yeah. That Umber.

I was currently laying down next to a tree staring at the night sky contemplating my life's decisions.

The girl was fast asleep next to me. She'd said her name was Aniya. She looked so peaceful, yet from what I heard she'd had an even more rough life then mine. She said she'd run away from home when she was seven. Seven! When I was that age I was complaining about eating my vegetables, yet here she was, learning how to survive in this messed up world full of humans.

She hadn't talked to me much after she told me about Umber, but from what she'd told me, I guessed she basically grew up with the Neverseen. I shuddered. Not exactly the best place to spend your childhood.

I didn't think she knew that Umber had died, and I didn't want to be the one to tell her. She said she hadn't returned to the lost cities in five years.

Yeah so anyway I was just laying here minding my own business daydreaming- wait is it called daydreaming when you do it at night? Huh. Never thought of that.

Anyways. I screamed.

Something brushed my arm. I felt it and screamed. The girl, surprisingly, didn't wake up.

I got up and looked around.

"...Camp...New York..." I jumped. The voices had come from behind me.

I walked toward the voices, cutting through trees. I came to a clearing in the middle of a bunch of trees.

Standing in the middle, was a boy, a girl, and a silver dragon.

And they all lived happily ever after.
The end


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