Chapter One

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Annabeth POV

You would think being a spy was awesome. You get all the cool gadgets and get to go on crazy missions.

My name is Annabeth Chase and I am here to tell you that being a spy is not some fantasy where the good guys always win. I was dumped into this life when I was five years old and my house was attacked. I remember waking up in the middle of the night surrounded by flames. I heard my parents yelling from the other room and then several gunshots. My parents rushed through the flames and saved me in the nick of time.

After that my whole life changed. I learned that my parents were spies. My mother, Athena, was one of the head agents of O.I.B., otherwise known as the Olympus Intelligence Bureau. From then the O.I.B. became my home.

I started training when I was seven years old and became a better shot than most agents by the age of ten. I was never able to live a normal life. Yes, I had access to every book in the world and was educated by some of the greatest teachers in the world, but to be honest I just wanted to make something of myself.

I was 19
now and still had only been on minor reconnaissance missions where all I did was sit in a van for hours waiting for some important businessman/woman to walk into the building. I wanted to put myself to the test. I was tired of rereading every book by myself and reciting Shakespeare over and over again. I wanted real-world experience, but my dad was too protective and my mother was never around.

She was always on missions, risking her life and saving the world. And even when she was around all she would talk about is how I needed to train more and be better. She wanted me to be perfect. To her, I was never good enough. The longest conversations we had were when she quizzed me on country capitals or how to handle deadly situations.

That is why I needed to lead a mission. I needed to prove to her that I wasn't some scared girl waiting to be saved anymore. To my surprise, everything I ever wanted began to come true the day that I met a boy with jet-black hair and a knack for getting into trouble. That's right my life turned upside down when I met Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon the head agent at A.S.I.S, Atlantis secret intelligence service, aka the O.I.B. 's rival.

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