Chapter Five

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Annabeth POV

I swear my brain shut down from all the thoughts and emotions running through my head. In the last hour and a half, I spied on some teens, met a cute boy, got asked out, got a real mission from my mom, found out the cute boy is the son of my mother's arch-rival, and texted Percy a quirky line asking for a raincheck on our ice cream. 

Soooo, yeah I think I deserve a bit of a mental breakdown now I guess. 

After my mom gave me my mission, my brain went on autopilot. I was shocked, to say the least. I just remember nodding to a couple of things and then practically sprinting to my room locking the door as soon as I entered. I stood there, back against the door, for fifteen full minutes trying to reteach myself how to breathe properly. 

I felt like I was in a crumbling underground building and had just jumped through the nearest door into complete darkness only to fall way farther than I thought and break my ankle. 

I was finally able to snap myself out of it by trying to reason with the situation. I slowly walked over to my desk where I was able to recollect my thoughts. 

First of all, I got asked out by a cute boy who seemed completely clueless about his friends being spies only to find out that he is in fact the son of my mother's rival. How could that be a coincidence? My mother has strictly sworn of boys not to mention her nemesis's son. I mean for crying out loud that's the kid that asks me out first. 

Secondly, my mom is okay with it. I mean kind of. She basically told me that Percy is a green light but that was because she wants to get close to Poseidon for who knows what reason. During our breakdown, it seemed almost like she knew Percy had asked me out, which shouldn't have been possible because I didn't have any gadgets or recording devices on me except for my knife and my Yankees cap that I hung through my belt loop. 

Thirdly, what is going on between the O.I.B. and the A.S.I.S.? Even though we are rival agencies, that's mainly just a fight to be the best. Yes, there has been some shady stuff just between my mom and Poseidon but this seems bigger than that, and the agencies have been on good terms ever since we joined up with Council. The council is made up of the twelve major agents between a few agencies. 

The leader of the committee is Zeus while Poseidon and Hades work along with him. Hera, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephestus, Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Ares all represent different wings of the main agencies. 

Hera is the face of the agency and covers up the major damage. My mom, Athena, is the strategist while Ares is the head fighter. Apollo runs the medical bay and Hephestus works on making new gadgets. Artemis scouts out targets and sometimes works as an assassin. Dionysus runs the children's training programs along with Chiron because Dionysus is always on a hangover. Aphrodite runs the makeup artists that can make agents look like completely different people for a mission so that we can keep everything undercover, and Hermes makes sure all of the agencies are on the same page and runs intercourse between safe houses. He is basically an overpaid owl. 

Anyways, what could possibly be going on that my mom would need me to go on such an important mission? 

I mean not that I am complaining, but the pieces just don't add up. I sat at my desk for hours trying to figure out how any of this made sense but I wasn't going to get any information from my mom by just asking her so I would have to do this on my own. I checked my clock and it was nearly eleven o'clock at night. 

I knew that I needed to do something and the only person I may be able to pry information from was the nervous surfer boy that got himself in way over his head. I looked at my hand grateful that the sharpie hadn't fully faded away and typed his number into my phone. I debated calling him because it wasn't very formal to text someone about relationship stuff but I mean I wasn't breaking up with him I was just asking him on a date. No biggy. 

How hard can it actually be to ask someone out? 

I quickly typed out a tet and pressed send before I could doubt myself because by the gods I was already enough of an anxious mess tonight. I texted, "I'll take you up on that ice cream. Meet me on the pier tomorrow at noon." 

I swear to you my eyes are damaged from staring at the screen. It felt like forever. I mean it took him fifteen whole seconds to reply. Is that a lot? Am I overreacting? Gods, I don't know the first things about dating? He replied, "Can't wait ;)". 

He's such a dork. What am I saying he is the target. Gosh, this mission was going to be rough. 

Well, first step down. I got up from my desk and laid down on my bed hoping to fall asleep and try to solve more of this in the morning. But there were still some things bugging me. Like how did I not know that Percy was Poseidon's son? 

I mean it can't be that hard to find that knowledge right. I thought I knew pretty much everything about Poseidon's backstory. He had been an agent his whole life and grew to be well known along with Hades and Zeus after they took down a powerful rogue agent known as Kronos who had a serious inferiority complex. I knew that he posed as a fisherman as his citizen identity, but I didn't know he had a wife let alone a kid. 

Also, why did Percy seem to have nothing to do with the spies. I mean my parents raised me in the agencies. I knew how to fight before I could even write my name. I felt my eyelids grow heavier as my thoughts consumed my mind. 

What was behind that mischievous smirk of yours, Percy Jackson? Why are those sea greens eyes be so caring yet mysterious? 

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