Chapter Seven

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Jason POV

Ever since yesterday, when Leo dared Percy to ask that girl out I have had a bad feeling in my stomach, and no it's just indigestion. 

At first, I thought it was pretty cute seeing Percy blush while trying to ask that girl out, but when I got a better look at her she looked familiar. Too familiar. 

I played it off for the rest of the night because I didn't want to ruin the fun for the other guys, but let's just say that this spy had some research to do. That evening, once I returned to my A.S.I.S. dorm, I opened my computer and began my search. 

Turns out that the girl on the pier is not just some girl. She is Annabeth Chase, the daughter of Athena. Great. My best friend just asked out the enemy. 

Well, at least she didn't seem to know who he was. She mostly just seemed shocked that he had asked her out in the first place because Percy said that she was speechless. I needed to tell Percy about this, but I knew that he wanted nothing to do with spying in the first place. Plus, Annabeth didn't say yes so Percy will probably never see her again. 

Scratch that. Percy just texted me saying he's got a date with her tomorrow at noon at the pier. Yay. I had to force myself not to facepalm right then. Percy was getting himself into trouble yet again, but this time he didn't even know it. 

The boys wouldn't understand my concern or be any help with figuring out what is going on between the O.I.B. and the A.S.I.S. 

So I texted the only person who I knew could get me good information on this. Piper McLean. Yeah, yeah I know. Isn't she the enemy too? Well kinda.

 Piper and I have been dating ever since we were both assigned to a mission at the Grand Canyon when the agencies were allied. Basically, we were spying on some teenager that the Council believed was working with a gang to hack the agency's files. Turns out the kid was being blackmailed to do it because the gang took his mom. Long story short, Piper and I saved the kid's mom and arrested the gang. Poseidon thought the kid showed so much potential that he asked him to join the A.S.I.S., and that Leo became an agent for the A.S.I.S. and one of his best friends. 

Anyways, I have trusted Piper ever since even though we worked for rival agencies. I knew that she was the only one who could help me figure out what was going on between Athena and Poseidon because it was clear that the agents involved were sick of this fighting and backstabbing. 

I opened my phone and looked for the contact labeled Beauty Queen. We used codenames because we didn't want to give each other away if we ever lost our phones. My contact on her phone was labeled superman. I texted her, "Hey, Beauty Queen. Long time no see. ;)" 

She responded, "What do you want, Superman?"

 I sighed and replied, "Fine, I'll get to the point. I need to talk to you. It's important and secret." 

She responded, "Okay, let me see what I can do. I will get back to you in the morning. Good night, Superman." 

"Night, Beauty Queen," I responded before turning my phone off and slumping onto my bed. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

 I don't want to see Percy get into the middle of all this. Especially after what happened the last time he got caught in the middle of a spy war. I closed my eyes, begging for sleep to take over so I could quiet the rushing thoughts going through my head. After who knows how long, the familiar grasp of darkness took over, blessing me with dreamless sleep.


The next morning, I woke up refreshed, which was a blessing in disguise because if I knew what the day had in store, I would have never gotten out of bed. 

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