Here we go again: Doubts

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Here I am again
faced with the challenging questions
Who will I listen to this time?
"If he's not worth it, don't bother"
If he's not worth what?
Be more specific
True I'm just a child
True I'm just a teen
Scrap these hormones
All true
But is this so too?
One day I know what to do
The next day not so much
Bombarded with reasonable doubt,
how could I not think more than once?
But I really don't know
I'm yours but I see no real future with you
Your mine but is this just a short time for us two?
I'm guessing YOLO
but I don't wanna lose you though
"It's about the endgame"
But what about my journey?
I guess I know what I want
Because it's all about how much you enjoy it
And I already know this and yet here I am again
Faced with the challenging questions

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