Help Wanted

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"What's wrong?"
I think it's period depression
But much like drunken words
It mostly stems from sober thoughts
I don't cry often but when I do I cry so much
Fuck this,  it's like my life is flashing right before my eyes
But it's right here?
I'm right here
Why so anxious for the future, girl?
Because that's all we're taught that matters girl
What if I make the wrong choices?
What if I pick the wrong career?
Oh why oh why do we have to do this
Especially in our teen years
when we only pretend to understand these
Life is so simple
Yet we've managed to overcomplicate it
That's worse than just complicating it
We're so over the top
I doubt and doubt
I have my faith in God
But how can I trust that my decisions are the right ones?
How can I trust that I'm doing the right things?
Oh man oh man
Fuck the future
Fuck my life
But I don't mean that, I really don't
We're always told it's not so easy
But why is it harder than it should be?
Man if we all just agreed
Man if we all just lived in peace
Oh what a world it would be
Maybe that's what it would've been
But the world is crumbling
We've sinned and we'll sin again
And again
Oh how oh why can't we be good
Lord please help me
Lord please help us all

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