Chapter 1. The loser girl

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Far off in China at Wu Zhong high school, the principal and the assistant principal were on the sports field early one school morning looking at the mess the Scorpion team had left last night signaling that they were coming to get them in the upcoming football match. Silly string was everywhere and so were lots of popcorn kernels. 

"What a mess!" The assistant principal, Chi Fu said as he walked around trying to not step on any mess "someone has to put the Scorpions in there place." 

"You're right, Chi Fu. Once the school opens put up flyers all around the school to recruit new members to play for the football team." 

"Yes sir." Chi Fu said "but what is wrong with the players we have now? I believe they can defeat them." 

"I won't allow it Chi Fu." The Principal said "one grain of rice can tip the scale, and one boy can be the difference between victory and defeat." 

Meanwhile back in a small neighborhood in a small house with a farm, a girl with long straight black hair and wearing a light blue tank top and dark blue shorts was eating her breakfast rice while reading a book about the history of China. The girl's name was Mulan, and she was considered a tomboy by the other kids which also lead to her being bullied and being called a loser which leads her to having an existential crisis.

But today was the day that she would just act like a regular girl, starting with when she got on the school bus. 

Just then a rooster crowed from outside signaling it was time to get up.

Mulan heard this and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and her hair. Once she got that done she ran into the hall almost crashing into a lot of things. 

"Little Brother!" she called and then a dog excitedly ran into the hallway. Mulan laughed and petted the little dog on his head.

"Hey there smart boy, can you help me with my chores today?" She asked throwing a bag of chicken feed on the ground and tying it to the dog as well with a bone on a stick in front of him.

The dog instantly started chasing after the bone and ran out the door with chicken feed spilling out the bag.

While her chores were being done by Little Brother, Mulan got her clothes on, (like the matchmaker dress she was seen wearing in the film) put on her makeup, and made the tea for her father who was out in the family shrine praying to the family ancestors.

"Honorable ancestors" he prayed "please help Mulan be a regular girl today".

Mulan walked up the stairs with the tea in hand smiling as she saw Little Brother still trying to reach for the bone. Mulan dipped the stick down for the little dog to reach the bone and he wasted no time biting down on the bone.

"Father I brought your-" but Mulan didn't get to finish when Fa Zhou bumped into her and the tea cup crashed to the ground but Zhou caught the tea pot with his walking cane. 

"Mulan" he sighed 

"I brought a spare" Mulan said pulling out another cup, "remember the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning, and three at night. 

"Mulan you should be at the bus stop right now, we are counting on you to-" 

"Act like a regular girl and get to school" Mulan finished her father's sentence. "Don't worry father, I have my phone, my backpack, and my lunch. Besides I have plenty of time before the bus comes.

Just then the sound of a bus pulling out caught Mulan's ears as she looked around and saw the bus pulling away.

"Sorry gotta go!" She panicked and ran down the stairs of the shrine. "Wish me luck!"

Fa Zhou looked at Little Brother, then back at Mulan. 

"I'm going to pray some more." He sighed and went back into the shrine.

Meanwhile Mulan was running after the bus while beating on one of the windows.

"Hey, stop the bus! Please!" She pleaded. 

The kids on the bus just laughed tauntingly as the saw Mulan running. Usually no one could run at the speed of a bus going from stop to stop, but since Mulan was so athletic she could run for miles.

But back to the real plot, Mulan was still running after the bus and even the bus driver was laughing, until a kid with red dyed hair and a blonde half grown mustache walked up to the bus driver.

"For heavens sake, stop the bus or else I'm gonna pop you off the wheel and drive myself." He said

The kids all groaned as the bus driver stopped the bus, but a little too hard not giving time for Mulan to stop as she flung forward onto the cement causing some of her makeup to smudge. 

The kids laughed harder

Mulan got up and dusted herself off and made her way on the bus as the other kids looked at her snickering.

Mulan made her way to her assigned seat sitting beside the boy who stopped the bus for her.

His name was Mushu and he was one of Mulan's best and only friends. (Also her cousin)

"Thanks for stopping the bus for me" Mulan smiled. 

"No problem, but next time just sleep at the bus stop." 

Mulan rolled her eyes before someone said behind her, "don't listen to him, he's off and will say anything."

"No one asked you, Cricket!" Mushu said annoyed.

Cricket had dyed blue and purple hair. He was originally called 'Christopher' but he got his name Cricket by loving insects, especially crickets. He was also another best friend of Mulan's. 

Mulan laughed and the three of them went all the way talking on the bus until they reached Wu Zhong high school. 

As the kids got off the bus, Mulan looked at the school from head to toe. She knew she had to act like a lady today and make new friends instead of making a fool of herself. She was so nervous. With a few deep breaths she cleared her mind and walked in through the double doors, ready for what will come.

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