I am not Easily Dismissed

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The girl who stepped into the ballroom was very different from me. She had pale skin and reddish brown hair that was styled into meticulous curls. Her dress was very much the kind I hated, with ribbons and frills layered onto large, no doubt heavy skirts. It suited her, though. She looked like an expensive doll. She walked down the stairs without assistance, but a Royal Knight and several Ladies in Waiting followed close behind. As she came closer, I could make out the freckles on her round cheeks and the inky black of her eyes.

So, this was my little sister. Yet another of the original Theo's enemies. In the novels, Clara Albrecht was a larger than life villainess who took great pleasure in tormenting her poor, sheltered sister. Looking at her now, though, I somehow found that hard to believe.

Still, she had crashed my party. Such rudeness could not be overlooked. Especially not with so many potential allies watching on.

"Strange." I spoke as if to myself, but my voice carried in the pin drop silence. "I don't remember having an older sister."

Clara seemed to notice me for the first time. Her black eyes widened and a blush rose in her cheeks. Her painted lips pursed angrily. She looked...

So cute!

Aiyah~, she was so adorable! I wanted to pinch her cheeks and coo over her. I doubted she would appreciate the gesture, though.

Clara's dark eyes looked me up and down and I could clearly see the instant she realized who I was. It was hard not to, really. Only the Royal Family could wear black and gold in Acan, and, even if I wore something different, I had my father's face. Allegedly.

I could feel the weight of a hundred eyes on me. This was my first interaction with another member of the Royal Family. Everyone here would decide whether or not to support me based on this conversation. As much as I would prefer not to cause unnecessary strife between us, my sister chose an unfortunate time to crash a party.

I stepped forward, letting go of Freddy as I approached Clara. I towered head and shoulders over her. How old was she, again? I was twenty, now, but I had no idea how many years younger than me she was supposed to be. Oh, well. I would just have to be gentle.

"I don't know whose idea it was to call yourself the First Princess," I began with a sweeping glance at her entourage. I brought my hand up to my mouth and furrowed my brows as if concerned. "But I strongly suggest removing them from your circle. No doubt, they have been eagerly waiting for this exact situation."

There. That should work, right? I called her out for using my title but gave her an out by placing the blame on someone else. From an outside perspective, I should—hopefully—look like a worried sister.

Clara's face became increasingly flushed. Before she could say anything, I turned away, walking back to Freddy's side.

"I confess," I said over my shoulder, eyes downcast and voice just sad enough to garner sympathy. "I didn't expect anyone from the palace to attend. Thank you, Clara. This is turning out to be a very special birthday, indeed." With that, I drove yet another wedge between me and the Royal Family. No one from the palace came to the First Princess' Coming of Age? That would surely keep the gossips fat and happy.

I looked back at her and winced internally at the tears gathering in her eyes. I didn't enjoy stepping all over her like this, but I had little choice. Technically, I hadn't said anything too terrible, but the way I was saying it...

Well, I would enter the palace, soon. There would be time to smooth things over, there. Hopefully. I didn't want to hurt such a cute little girl if I could help it.

Unfortunately, it looked like I already had. Clara's black eyes were rimmed with red as she looked at me through her lashes. "I see." Her voice was tight and spoke of unshed tears. "Happy birthday, sister. I will keep your words in mind." Truth.

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