Chapter 2

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~ chapter 2- quitting jobs and going to coffee shops ~

After I got out of that God awful hospital I looked at my watch and saw that it was 2:45. I was going to be late to work but I really didn't care. My day was already bad why not make it worst. Turning around towards work I was met with a hard chest. Being my clumsy self I fell right on my behind. Shaking my head and grinding my teeth to try and get rid off the pain, a looked up to see a man of about 40 years old. He looked down at me for a second before helping me up.

"I am oh so terribly sorry madam. My sinecurist apologize for the incident." The man said in a thick British accent. Brushing my self off I looked him up and down and he was dressed up in a brown tweed jacket with matching trousers on. His eyes were a dark shade of blue that went perfectly with his pale blonde hair. He had that aura that he was a fatherly figure but not an actual father. I looked back into his eyes and for the first time today saw real concern.

I felt my self tearing up again but held them back. Grabbing my bag I said "um, thanks man. It's alright. It was just an accident. I have to go now but just watch out next time." With that I walked a way waving behind me not bothering to look back.


At work I got into the locker room to change. Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't see what everyone else saw. While people say my eyes are the most mysterious gray that doesn't show anything, all I see are two dull gray eyes that couldn't hide anything. To me my hair was flat, dark brown that could never be described as beautiful, or dark chocolate waves. To me I was nothing.

Sighing, I tied my apron around my waist and tied my hair in a bun. Opening the door I got work making tiny delicate designs on the white frosted cakes. I was so concentrated on the black swirls that I barely noticed the soft foot steps of my boss, Darren. When he rapped his arms around my waist I almost jumped to the sealing with fright. Ever since I started working here in high school (and he was 24), he has been hitting on me. I always turn him down, though. I can usually ignore him, but today- after everything that has went down- I snapped. It Was like something inside me broke in half leaving a empty place where it used to be.

Turning around to come face to face with him, I stared right into his brown eyes that I hated more than anything at that moment, and slapped him. His head snapped to the side from the force, and I secretly hoped he got whiplash because of it. His hand instantly went up to his cherry red cheek. He looked back at me and all I saw was hatred. I slapped him again just because I hated him that much.

"You sick bastard who do you think you are to do that?! I am not some play toy that you can push around at anytime. I have had to deal with enough crap today and I'm done dealing with this!!! I quit!!!" I tell before I even realize what I was saying. Before I could turn back and say I'm sorry, I take off my apron and name tag, and run to the locker rooms.

Grabbing my duffle bag, I run out the back and head for the main streets. I just ran for the longest time till I saw I little coffee shop. Quickly walking in I saw it was an old Italian style place. The walls were painted with moss and vines like you would see on the outside of a building. The place was tiny and you could tell it was a family owned place.

Walking up to the counter I ordered black coffee with a lot of sugar in it. The man took the order, and I sat down. Across from me there was a bulletin board full of job openings and other news. My eyes scanned it, but there was only one thing that stood out was a nanny position. It said that the job payed good, I would have my own little room there and I would spend a lot of time with kids. The job sounded promising and  after the news I just had, being surrounded by kids sounds good.

Getting up I put the cup of coffee down and went to the board to get a better look. The flyer said that if I call the number I will immediately be set a date to come in. Also there was something about a day of evaluation but I didn't really understand. Quickly I took the paper and put it in my back pocket. I walked out and headed back in the direction of home.


Putting the key in the lock I opened the door praying that Jason would be gone. Opening the door, I felt happy that at least one prayer of mine had been answered. Going to the couch, I sunk into the cushion already feeling a new round of tears coming. All in one measly day I found out I was barren, my "one and only" had another one and only, my parents "happy" marriage was ruined, I quit my job, and I'm all alone.

Wiping my eyes I pulled out the number from the flyer and called.

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