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Emma \(^W^)/

Inspired by XxemoxXIDGAF

*Emma's POV *

" more please Dad!!!!" I scream my body shoots up from the adrenaline. I curl up into a ball and claw at my arms. "It's just a dream he's dead he's dead...." I whisper clenching my teeth.

"Emma? EMMA?! " I flinch. I feel a hand touch my arm. I try to fight but two hands pin me to my bed.

"Emma please open your eyes" the voice pleaded.
My eyes slowly opened and looked into my twin brothers eyes. He let's go of my arms and I wrap them around his neck.

"Erick. " I cry.

"I know I know. You're safe now.... he's gone." He says stroking my hair.

My brother is the best, my best friend I don't know what I'd do without him. I looked into his green eyes, so sincere, kind,caring.

"E-erick?" I studder.

"Yeah Em?" He gave a weary smile.

"Could you stay till i fall asleep?" My eyes stared to tear up.

"Course." I scoot over and we just lay there and i slowly drift off into neverland.

*Erick's POV*

Its been two months of these nightmares since the old man died. I cant believe I didnt notice anything. She seemed so happy all the time.

"How could i have, GLOB... Im such a terrible brother." I whisper and bite my lip.

I watch her as she sleeps. Finally at peace, that is, untill she has to wake up and deal with our terribel excuse of a mother. How dare she blame Em for the accident we were all in the car. She saw everything, yet, she still blames... Whatever im just done with her.

I swear I'll never be happy again

Don't you dare say we could just be friends

"Shizz " I whisper grabbing my phone to answering it.

"James?" I say getting out of her bed.

" Yeah I'm coming now...Me to.... love you." Before I leave I kiss her forehead.

"I'll tell you soon...I promise. " I put my shoes on and grab my A Day to Remember sweater and run out side to his car.


please don't judge too hard /.\

I'm a major noob ~(^0^)~

Really hope you are somewhat interested

Had funz writing this part doe


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