chapter 2

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Emma's angel Lol can he be mine?

*Emma's POV *

I wake to the soft humming of a plastic fan. A fan...I don't have a fan. My eyes shoot open darting around the room. Where am I? I tried to sit up and pain shot through my body and that's when the memories came crashing down on me. I was rapped and thrown out by Blaze. I start to whimper covering my mouth.

No Em this is no time to break down. Where are you? I look around the room. Well at least this isn't Blaze's room, so check that threat off the list. From looking around it didn't seem like a creepy man's room. It was actually pretty cool. This is obviously a boys room, there wasn't too much clothes on the floor but there was enough to know a girl didn't live here.

The room was slightly lit from the sun creeping through the shades. I could see posters, like Oh my glob Of Mice & Men! Well who ever saved me has a pretty Rad taste in music.

Okay Em focus, focus. I shook my head. Okay bad idea I placed a hand on my head, it was killing me. I let out a sigh, Well who ever it is may seem cool but he is still a threat.

As if right in cue that's when he walked in. I was startled so my bod jerked which hurt really bad. Im guessing he could read my pain off my face, so he came to me after putting something down. he stuck out a hand I winced before he even touched me.

I'm guessing he noticed so he put his hand down. I looked up to the most gorgeous face I've ever seen. I mean like tumblr gorgeous, a face you'd never expect to see in person. I felt the blood drain from my face.

He had long black hair that swept to the side. He had the most vibrant blue eyes that seemed to sparkle even in this dim light. He was pale with nice sharp features. He was wearing a ghost town tank and some PE shorts. He goes to my school! I blushed, then I realized I was staring.

I looked down quickly, "S-sorry, I this your room? Did you save me? " I blushed and looked up to see him staring at me with a slightly red face.

"Um yea" he said clearing his throat and looking anywhere else. This made me smirk.

"How does your body feel? I-I mean," he looks down running his hand through his hair " cuz when i found you, you were hurt and and stuff." He looked at me biting his lip, i can see the rosey pink on his cheeks.

"It hurts...a lot...i dont know any particulars but...yea" i blush.

He reaches out a hand to me. "Want to see if you can walk?" He says not looking at me. I take his hand and slowly i get up with him to suport me.

I wince in pain clutching onto his hand. He puts his other hand on my back to suport.

"Here let me take you to my bathroom...I'll get you a towel and stuff for you to freshen up."

"T-thank you...what's your name?" I ask.

" Conner Edwards " he said blushing and shut the door behind him.

So this is my angel.


So yeah lol

I hope you Like it so far cx
Sorry it's so short

And Oh my Conner sound perfect doesn't he?

Well mucho kisses

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