_+*'Simple' School Days*+_

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Love, romance, all that other mushy stuff. Yeah, whatever- who cares? If you know me, Natsuki, aka the best doki, you know that I don’t really give two shits about romance. But when it comes to Sayori.. EHEM I MEAN- No! I feel nothing for her! But- she is kinda cute..


Fuck your still here- God your interested...

All things aside- lemme give you a little background info. Sayori and I, absolute besties. Monika and Yuri teas us, making smutty drawings and fanfics. They know I like Sayori- so of course they're gonna try and tell her how much of a simp I am. Whatever- I'm not gonna sound like Yuri and continue rambling about some random shit. Now, let's get into the real story!


(Natsuki POV)

My eyes flutter open to be met with my ceiling. I quietly groan and sit up. I stretch and feel satisfied with the sound of my bones cracking. I get out of bed and peak my head out of the door frame. I look aroud, making sure the coast is clear.

After a few minutes of inspection, I quietly make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I open the fridge, seeing both emtey and full Beer bottles scattered all throughout the shelves.

"Jesus Christ.." I mumble under my breath.

I look around in search of any sort of food, not having much luck, I sigh and head back upstairs to change. I grab my uniform, lock my door and start undressing myself, when suddenly someone starts banging on my door.

"Natsuki! I know your in there! Open the door!" My Father continues banging on my door while I stand there, shaking like crazy.

"H-hold on! I'm changing.." I try my best not to raise my voice, knowing he'll beat me harder if I do somthing stupid like that.

I quickly get my uniform form on and mentally prepare myself for what could happen. I unlock my door and slowly open it, seeing my Father stare down at me. He's seems tipsy, I remember him leaving pretty late last night.

He grabs my collar and pulls me forwards. "You really are a useless and pathetic piece of shit.."

"W-what did I even do??" I stare into his eyes, my breath becoming uncontrollable.

"I saw you looking around the kitchen, seeking for food, it seems you can't handle a day or two without food..HOW DO EXPECT TO LIVE WHEN YOUR THIS WEAK!" He raises his voice then slaps me across the face with all his strength.

I don't react, I'm used to this by now. Small tears form in the corner of my eyes, I look at my father. He then mumbles something under breath, I try to squirm out of his grip, but he's too strong compared to me.

"Trying to escape, eh? I don't think so.." Dad then cuts my cheek with a small piece of broken glass.

Where the hell did he even get that from??

As my thoughts are scattered all over the place, I can feel Dads grip on me getting stronger. I snap out of it, and before I know it, I'm slammed against the wall.

"You better get your ass to school or you'll be late. I expect you to be home on time as well." My Father looks down at me, then walks out and slams his door shut.

I quickly get up and grab my backpack, I sprint out, not giving a fuck on how much noise I makes.

(Sayori POV)

I'm walking on the sidewalk, making my way to school. Normally I'd stay in bed longer, but Natsuki has been scolding me about it more often though, and I'm not sure why..

SᗯᗴᗴT Sᑌᘜᗩᖇ // ᗩ SᗩYOᖇI ᙭ ᑎᗩTSᑌKI ᖴᗩᑎᖴIᑕOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz