The Present.

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The present, in 2007.

It's a winter day, snowing in a city, called Trolberg. There were many people that lived there. It was a very pretty, and landscaped city, with massive statues, a fine school, and amazing scenery, along with a beach. Our now, present day blue-haired adventurer lives here, due to her old, wooden house being crushed. In the present day, she's usually hanging out with her friends, but today, she was reminded of HT... her old friend. The 13 year old flipped open her journal to a blank page.

Hilda's Journal

It's been a long time since I've seen my old friend HT. Mum never knew about her, but that didn't stop me from seeing her. Anyways, she would've freaked out... seeing something "dangerous" that was constantly hanging out with me. I want to see her again... I miss her. She was so nice, and she deserved more. I just don't get why she said she was picked on by others. She could pick up huge boulders, and lift trees, separating them from their roots. Thankfully, she put them back together though. Maybe I'll see her in the future.

"That's enough for today. Maybe I should go to the park or something, where I can get... her off my mind." Hilda said wistfully to herself. She slowly walked out of her room, and asked her mum if she could go to the park. Thankfully, she said yes, and Hilda got ready, and trudged out, along with Twig, her pet deerfox. She slumped all the way to the park, and took a walk around.

Before she knew it, she had walked around the park dozens of times in about an hour. Her deerfox was gesturing to go back home tiredly, but Hilda just kept on looking at the scenery, while trying not to think about her OG childhood friend. Twig had enough of walking in circles, and glanced around to do something fun. Then, that's when he spotted a bush, shaking. That's when he went to investigate, and he saw 3 jack rabbits in her path. He leaped at them, and missed. Hilda noticed, and saw Twig rounding the corner, along with the jack rabbits running for their lives. Hilda immediately followed Twig, as fast as she could. She swiftly followed, almost tripping every step. She ran, and ran, and ran, not noticing she was passing through the train tracks,


Hilda never noticed she entered troll country, and ran further and further into the forest. Until Twig gave up, since they ran into a small burrow in the ground. Hilda looked around, and realized that she was outside the city walls at sunset. That wasn't good, as the trolls would now come out, and wreak havoc on anything they saw. Fighters they were. Hilda picked up Twig, and sighed. She was slightly nervous, because she was as the base of the mountain, pretty far from the city walls. She started to walk towards the city, and didn't notice something was sneaking up behind her. She just kept on walking. Hilda was too late. A two-headed troll swung at Hilda's head, but missed, as Hilda dodged, and  ran. She knew if she made too much sound, that would alert more trolls. But she loudly whimpered. Then, Hilda was cornered, she was backed against a tree...


But... something odd happened. The troll stopped. It just... froze. Bewildered, the troll looked down, and saw an oddly looking, small troll that grabbed its arm. It struggled to push its hand away, but pinned it against the ground, and the troll backed up and stormed away angrily. The troll turned around. "Are you okay?! He attacks everyone... and I can ramble on, and on about him for hours, and please don't be scared of me..?" The troll kept on talking, and talking, but Hilda interrupted her.

"Wait... I know that voice..."

Up Next: We Meet Again.

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