Convncing The People of Trolberg.

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As another winters morning awoke the city, Hilda was mustering up the courage to ask the guards, as HT worriedly paced through Hilda's house. Her mum hadn't known about HT, and it would stay that way until the speech. HT went into Hilda's room and sat on her bed with a blank expression, realizing, "Wow... I'm in the city..." She said to herself. Hilda was getting ready, and she put on a decent outfit. Not her normal red jumper, yellow scarf, black leggings, occasionally with a blue skirt and beret. She had a grey tank top, with a denim jacket. No skirt, and black leggings. She also didn't wear her beret. Once Hilda was dressed and ready, she told HT to lock herself in her closet, and left.

Hilda had been walking towards the station, every step, her heart beating faster. Once she was there, she took a deep breath, and walked in the cold and barren building. "Hello? I'm here to talk to-"
"3rd door on the right, ma'am."
"Woah-" The guard glanced up at Hilda and nudged her head in the direction that Hilda was supposed to go to. She slowly walked towards the guards office, and entered.

| We're just gonna call David's mum... Emma Jones |

"Mrs. Jones..?" Hilda nervously said. "Hilda? What are you doing here at the station?"
"Well, I want to ask you a question."
"What question?"
"Well, I want to convince the people of Trolberg that trolls aren't bad.. I know one, and I think that sh-" Emma puts her hand up and grins. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time. Many have helped me through my life, but I'm afraid I'll get fired."
"I won't tell anyone that you gave permission."
"You know what..? I'll try and arrange something. What is it exactly you want though?"
"To set up a speech thingy."
"I'll try." Hilda greatly thanks Emma, and leaves. They set up a date on the phone, so so, and more. They finally have a date, and they're ready.

The Day Of The Speech.

Hilda wakes up early, putting on a nice outfit, and if you want to kind of get an idea of what she's wearing, her clothes are from somewhere like Urban Outfitters. It's HT's time to go. Emma, David, and Hilda all meet at Hilda's house. "You're really going through with this?! What if she turns on us?!" David quizzically and nervously asks. "We'll be fine. It's not normal for trolls to turn on people unless they have suffered from some kind of trauma." David just nods and stares at nothing across the street out her window. "Does your mum know about this?" Emma asked. "No... not yet." Emma just slightly nods. "Okay, uhm... where's this troll friend of yours?"
"I'll be right back..." Hilda ran to her room, and told HT to come out. She nodded, and hesitantly walked out into the living room. David was hiding behind the couch, whilst Emma was just standing there, jaw dropped. "How did you manage to get her in  the city?!" Emma yelled. "I put her in clothes."
"They're uncomfortable." HT added. "You can talk?!" David shouted. "Well, yeah... I guess." David walked out from behind the couch and investigated HT. "You're little."
"Yeah, I KNOW. I get that a lot." She just stood there and waited for further instructions. Then, Emma finally spoke. "Okay, we're going to need to pretend that you!re under control. Like you need to be handcuffed?"
"We can try." HT added.
HT followed Emma's instructions, and then she got into the back of a safety patrol van, and they were off.

Once they were there, they saw dozens of people waiting. It was 5 minutes until Hilda's speaking time. "I don't know... what if they disagree..?" HT asked anxiously. "We just have to be persuasive. Half of this city knows me, so I bet I'll be able to convince them." HT looks at Hilda in the eyes and just nods unsurely. Hilda gets up on the platform, and Emma introduces her, and says that there's a troll here to speak, and the crowd gasps, but Emma calms them down before they freak. Hilda was handed the mic, sweating profusely. It was time.

"Hello people of Trolberg..!" The crowd cheered, which made Hilda feel slightly better. "I have something to share with you, and even though not everyone may agree, I feel like it's worth a shot. We. Need. To. Stop. Hurting. Trolls. This has been going on for long enough, and I think that this is purely unacceptable. And, they haven't even done anything wrong! Have you ever actually heard of a troll killing anyone?!" The crowd just looked at eachother, unable to speak. "They haven't hurt anyone. And yes, maybe one has chased you down safety patrol, but your the one trespassing on their territory. And everyone, now I have a special guest joining us. I would like to welcome HT."

HT stepped out, still in hand cuffs. Everyone gasped, but when HT spoke, the crowd immediately turned from nervousness to confusion. No one had seen a troll talk before. Now, it was HT's turn to speak. "Hello everyone. I know you all may be scared of my kind, and I get that... you have all been chased down, and that is our fault. We just all miss our mother, calling us towards the city. And even so, you only let us in once a year, which sometimes isn't enough for some of us. I'm so sorry for what trauma we may have caused, or if there's been a rumor spread about us. It's okay, because some of us aren't good. But, a handful of us are also not evil. I just need you all to understand that we don't necessarily mean any harm. We may just be.. different." HT started to cry. "And... that concludes my speech."

The crowd was silent for a minute, and before HT left, then another started to clap, and another, and soon enough, everyone was clapping, and cheering for HT, Hilda, and everyone that helped. Immediately, the guards finally gave in, and ever since... everything was different. Now, instead of most people scared, none were. Trolls were allowed in the city by any means necessary. Instead of them just being allowed on one night of the year. Everything's different.

"Now, we're together again."


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