1.The Memories

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Every summer since She was even born they went to cousins. It was a tradition. And She loved it. It felt like home the salty water the smell. She belonged there. Her brother,Her and her twin sister and their mom all had something making them come back every summer time.

The Fishers. Conrad,Jeremiah and Susannah. There house every year for three whole months. She had loved that place since she was little and the people in it. As Isabel put her shoes one. She heard her mom screaming "10 minutes till we leave don't be late" she grabbed her phone of the charger and went downstairs.

Where her brother seemed already annoyed at everyone he wasn't too happy about making the three hour drive. "Can we just hurry mom" Steven groaned rubbing his head with his hands. Her mother let out a little sigh probably annoyed at the fact they we're supposed to be on the road a few minutes ago.

But her twin sister Isabella's friend came over the last minute. Taylor In Isabel's opinion was annoying. She never knew when to stop talking. And this really annoyed Isabel. Although they had a mutual understanding that one another had to appreciate each other as Isabel was Isabella's sister and Taylor was her best friend.

"Alright I'm ready to go" Isabella said as she came rushing down from the stairs as Taylor came as well. A sigh left her lips. She was already annoyed and she wasn't even at the house yet. As she watched the two girls hug out and say there final goodbyes. And they all headed out of the door.

Isabella sat in the front seat as she had called shotgun. Steven in the driver seat and her and her mom in the back seat. They all made casual talks as they all watched the outside as they went farther in the trip. As Isabel put her headphones in and closed her eyes.

She had been excited about seeing the Fisher Famliy but she had to admit a little more excited to see Conrad. She had always been attracted to him. And she just couldn't give up hope that maybe he would be hers one day. Although she had given up half way of him trying to have him.

She knew belly always wanted him. She always reminded her that she had a better chance then him. No one knew she liked Conrad. She was afraid something would change between them. Belly had showed her excitement so much Isabel was almost sure that she would throw up.

She just couldn't imagine them together although they both had a huge glow up. She just couldn't imagine belly and Conrad kissing. Making love. She was jealous. And she would stop anything for that too not happen but,what if she failed to do that?would she be happy or sulk till she found someone better then Conrad.

She heard the car stop as she opened her eyes she was they were at the gas station. That meant they were close. She saw belly and her mom go in as Steven also left the car to put gas in the car. As she took her headphones off Taylor swifts music filled her ears.

Looking around she saw Steven shaking his head while looking at his phone making her curious to who he was texting. Maybe she was being nosey. But wasn't that her job as a sister?As she closed her eyes again. Only few minutes later she heard the door opening and shutting again.

Her mother let out a huge sigh. She could imagine her mother looking out the window looking perfect as she always did. "I want you guys to be better at helping out this,loading your dishes and picking up after yourself." she heard her mom say to her and her siblings . She opened her eyes looking at her brother looking confused only for a second.

"But mom Susannah has people who do that doesn't she?" Steven asked she could see him raising his eyebrows questioning his mother. "Please just act like I raised you right" her mother told them once again. She couldn't see belly's face but she knew she was probably imagining Conrad.

"Ya mom of course we'll help you raised us right" she told her mom while taking her eyes from her brother to look at her mom's eyes. Her mother smiled a bit. She could tell something was wrong. "Thank you bells"her mother said to her. "You sound like a smartass bells" Steven said to her.

"Shut up" she told him looking out the window now. A big smile on her face and she heard belly laugh. "Hey don't forget you have to take us to driving later" belly told Steven.

"Hey I thought I was gonna take you two?" Her mom questioned them. Without hesitation Belly answered her mom "your too judgmental" with that the siblings started laughing her mom couldn't help but join in. And with that they arrived at the Fishers household.

The house looked exactly like how she had left it. Getting out of the car stretching her arms and legs. The first person she saw was Jeremiah he looked better then he did last time she saw him. He had muscles. And he was taller. One thing that had not changed was his blue eyes. "BELS" he screamed she almost got scared as he ran and picked her up.

"Omg you look like a women now not a girl"he snicked as he continued to hug her. She could feel his abs through his shirt. As she hugged him back and soaked as much as his smell. He smelled exactly like the ocean. They Let go of each other where within minutes he was hugging belly.

Repeating the same words he had told her,she felt a little pinch. But she smiled. But deep inside she was hurt. And then she saw him. He looked so perfect. His glasses had disappeared. she stared at him. And he was looking back at her.

"Bells" he spoke her name. The silly name never went away. Something inside her hoped that her sister would see them. "Guess who came back looking all grown up" he asked her while he came up towards her. Admiring her. He had to admit she looked pretty not that he would say it out loud.

"Hey Conrad" belly came and gave him a hug. She still hadn't given him a hug. He took a step back admiring the two girls in front of him. "I liked you both better with your glasses" for the first time she responded. "We'll too bad I like them better off me" she told him. He in response ruffled her hair and pulled her in for a hug.

As he was hugging her. He whispered in her ear. "Wanna go to the bonfire today with me?" She almost thought she was dreaming but nothing about it was dreaming his smell his words his hug that she felt so secure in  she felt like she could fall asleep using him as a pillow, "yes hmmm idk maybe I'll see" she told him. Spreading herself away from him.

She walked in the house. Hoping Conrad would see her. Somthing she didn't know was that he was smiling. As the boys did the belly flop. Only she didn't know what was happening outside until belly came in the kitchen dripping wet. She clenched her teeth as she imagined her and Conrad.


I'm literally fucking tired.

Our girl playing hard to get🤨
I would've been on my knees begging. SMH girls that play hard to get. Bells don't be acting like you don't wanna be fucked by him. Alright see ya guys next chapter. I AM EXCITED HOW THE BONFIRE IS GONNA GO.

Like and vote my pretty people begging rn🫦

Always will be you. ~ Conrad  Fisher Where stories live. Discover now