Déjà Vu

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Sometimes, I have dreams where the real event happens sometime later. Usually it's no big deal. It usually something I say, or something a friend says, or something I do. But this one was different.

Over the summer of 2021, I had a dream where my friend started dating this girl. This girl was extremely kind, with dark curly hair and was fairly tall. She was genuinely a beautiful person. I woke up with this dream with not much thought. But it always stayed in the back of my mind. A few months later, I was working as prop master for my school's production of Shakespeare's Two Gentleman of Verona which that said friend got the lead role. There, he became friends with this girl. She is tall, with dark curly hair, very pretty and very kind. During the production they started dating. That's when it all clicked. To this day, anytime I see her all I can think is how my subconscious, my dream brain for a lack of better words, knew who this girl was before I actually did. I don't know how it was possible but it did happen, and I still wonder how.

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