Monster train car

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Last night I had the weirdest dream. It started off with a man going up to an abandoned train car. The train car then morphed to have a head and ate the man. It then cut to two men, assumingly detectives, walking along the train tracks looking for something one of them had lost. As they were walking a train started coming towards them. Somehow, they were able to duck? under it and avoid dying. The train then stopped because of the tracks ending. Then one said,

"C'mon, let's keep going it has to be form the way we came from." They started walking back when one who lost the thing heard laughter coming from the train. He turned around and saw that the car was completely off and no one was around. The dream then cut to me, in chem. For some reason, a friend of mine who moved away was there. We were just talking but for some reason I was in pajamas and had a stuffed animal with me. While walking to my next class, I for some reason suddenly had food in my hand? They were the school's nachos. (which btw I don't like anymore) When I got to my next class, which was algebra, my teacher didn't say anything and just put on a movie. The movie was of the man being eaten by the train car and the other man hearing voices. The movie cut to this girl, who was in my school. She had very punk attire and minded her own business. At school, she heard the same laugh that the man heard. It then cut to her getting ready in her room. She heard the laughter again and ran down the stairs to see what it was. But it was just her boyfriend, who greeted her. She walked into the living room where a tv was set up for a Netflix watch party with one other friend there. As she sat down the friend and her boyfriend disappeared, and she heard the laughter again. 

And then I woke up

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