Chapter 5

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That's when Dravern sees that I've regained consciousness. Enraged that I took the power that he so wanted, he tries to get out of the vines of the trees the Gardener is manipulating.


The words Alisa. Remember what I said.

"I know! Give me a Minute! Spirit of the Damned, come forth and pierce his soul! Bend his will to mine!" I say, the Gardener gives me a slightly horrified look while Dravern looks completely terrified. When I open my eyes, I see why.

The Spirit is standing right in front of me and is holding what seems to be a shadowy bow and arrow. He draws the arrow and points it directly in front of Dravern's heart. Is it going to kill him?

"Wait, we agreed that you wouldn't kill him!" I yell to the spirit who doesn't reply. It loosens its grip on the string and the arrow flies, directly into Draverns heart. I screamed.

He's not dead, but now you can control his will. Do with it what you will.

And then it disappears. I look at Dravern who's looking relieved that he didn't die and then the Gardener that, while probably used to the Spirits magic, hasn't seen it in use for over 100 years. Dravern then charges at me not caring to recognize that with one word I could kill him. Or at least, I think I could. I don't know how this magic works.

"Alisa! Prepare to die!"

"Stop!" I yell testing out the waters. I don't know how the magic works and the Spirit doesn't want to explain it to me so might as well experiment before I die. Then suddenly, Dravern stops.

"What? Why can't I move?!" He screams. I can see him trying to move but he can't, that's when I realize, I've bent his will to mine. I give him my final command, still scared of my power over him.

"Turn around and go home. Never come back here to the Gardens and never try to pluck a flower from here again." I say my voice as hard as I can without shaking. As per the spell, he leaves without another word. I fall back against the bush and the Gardener walks towards me looking confused.

"Yes?" I ask slightly tired after all that.

"You do realise you just used a spell that you weren't ready to use at all because the spirit of the Damned came in and helped you use it right? Had the spirit not helped you, you would've died." He said confused and in shock of what I just did.

"Really? I could've died. Interesting."

And then I passed out.

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