Chapter 7

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Suddenly, I'm back in the forest looking at the tree where the X was. The X had started to disappear after I left. I didn't question it, I think it means I passed the test.

Yes, but it also means that the Trial moved somewhere else just in case you aren't found worthy in the next trial. Which, you have to go to the Caves of Tarturous to find.

"Will you tell me how to get there?" I ask the Spirit knowing the answer already, still hoping a bit that it might tell me.

No, I will not tell you. This is your kingdom, you must get used to it and know what it looks like.

"Wait, wait, wait. My kingdom? Since when did I become Queen of Uderhlem? When did this become a part of the agreement?" I say incredulously that I might be a Queen.

Since you plucked the flower out of the Garden. You can't go back now, you've already completed One of the Three Trials of the Damned. Now go to the Caves of Tarturous!

I start walking towards the village hoping that the villagers will tell me where the caves are. I walk up to the closest traveling merchant.

"Excuse me, but do you know where the Caves of Tarturous are?" I say nonchalantly.

The merchant looks at me like I've gone insane. Everything around us has gone quiet to the point where I think I can hear a Silent Bug hopping.

"Why do you want to go to those caves missy? They are dangerous things and you wouldn't live two minutes near those caves. Gods, even our King can't get near the caves, that's how bad the magic in that cave is!" The merchant exclaims.

"I'm doing a bit of sightseeing and those caves are something I've always wanted to see, even if I have to from a safe distance. I heard they look beautiful if you have the strength to get close to them." I say acting like a tourist.

I know nothing of the tourist attractions on any of the realms islands, but what I said about hearing the caves are beautiful are true. I heard they are wondrous to be around, even if you don't have magic, but if you stay too long, you find your will to be gone.

"Fine, your funeral. Over that hill it's a three day walk on the straight path." He says and mysteriously disappears.

"Okay, thank you." I say sarcastically, mentioning the fact that he disappeared and didn't give me the chance to thank him. After rolling my eyes, I start walking towards the hill.

"Caves of Tarturous here I come.

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