Chapter 10

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I was able to dodge quickly because he was angry and started fighting sloppily. I don't know much about fighting, especially with swords, so I just kept dodging thinking about my next move when I remembered something. Or someone.

"RAZOR! HELP!" I scream.

See, Razor isn't your typical cat or familiar. He's a Werebeast. Now the thing about Werebeasts you need to know, they can take the form of other animals not humans, and they have their own preference based on their original form. Razor is a special type of Werebeast because while most can only turn into their original form and use the magic that they get from there, Razor can teleport regardless of his form. Perks of having a Nine Tailed Fox as a pet.

Suddenly, the space in front of me opens up and out comes Razor, my beautiful Salt-and-Pepper cat. Creation stops for a minute confused.

A cat? You have the power of a Spirit who can control the Damned and the Dead and you choose a cat? Are you dumb?

"No, I'm buying time. Razor, bite." I say.

Razor looks at me then back at Cretion and realises that I'm in danger. Razor then starts glowing and I know he's turning into his true form. Razor's golden eyes turn blue and his Salt-and-Pepper fur starts turning a golden white and his lanky, small size starts growing rapidly.

A Werebeast?! A Nine Tailed Fox at that too?!

I can hear the fear in Cretion's voice. Creation has every reason to be scared. Nine Tailed Foxes are rare creatures who are fiercely loyal if you treat them right and deadly if you don't. Especially against wizards.


By this time, Razor is fully in his true form, just slightly smaller being cramped in the cave. I stand back thinking of ways to finish off Cretion while Razor starts stalking over to him probably to control him or trap him in some sort of hypnosis before he starts doing some real physical damage.

"So Spirit. What can I do and what can't I do for this challenge?" I ask calmly. The spirit smiles.

You've summoned my power and you need to defeat Cretion. You choose the next few moves.

I think about it for a moment before an idea comes to me. I smile watching Razor using Cretion like a new toy, and sad that I have to take him away from the fox.

"Razor, heel." I say calmly. Razor looks at me like I've gone insane and I look at him again, showing that I'm serious, finally he lets Cretion go.

"Spirit of the Damned and the Dead, pierce his soul. Bend his will to mine." Then the Spirit appears with a bow and arrow and tugs on the floating tendril of magic coming from Cretion and hands it to me.

"Cretion, I command you to put your own sword through your own heart. May you end your own reign of terror and become that of legend." I say.

Just as the spell intends. He does exactly as I say and plunges his sword into his own heart although screaming and yelling the entire time.

Congratulations Alisa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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