Chapter 7

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Selecia's pov (A month later)
This past month has been fun the boys and I have been traveling and investigating going all over the place, Colby and I told the fans and I of course got a lot of hate so I took a break off social media and I'm still not on it Colby says the hate has died down but I'm scared that if I make one tweet it'll all start up again and I don't wanna go through that again.

C- babe
I hear next to me and I look up to see Colby standing next to me
S- huh?
C- you good?
S- yea I got lost in thought
C- oh okay *laughs* also for the past few mornings I've been hearing you get sick are you okay?
S- uh yea I'm fine I probably just ate something bad
C- yea see id believe that if I didn't find this in the trash can
He says showing me a pregnancy test box
S- uh Colby this is an Airbnb that could be the people before us
C- selecia alazzeè don't lie to me
S- jeez fine I'm pregnant okay there I told, now just leave me alone *sniffles*
C- oh my god babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean to mean
S- it's okay *sniffles*
C- so wait I'm gonna be a dad?
S- yes *laughs*
C- and you're gonna be a mom!!
S- yes babe *smiles*
C- I love you so much *smiles* and I'm sorry my fans are so protective over me
S- I love you too babe and it's okay it's not you're fault *smiles*
C- I feel like it is though *frowns*
S- but it's not okay
C- okay you're right
S- ugh look at us arguing
C- hey we're not arguing, okay we're talking
S- right we're talking
C- listen i think maybe you should go back to la maybe some time apart will help
S- you want me to leave? Fine I'll leave
I say turning around to grab my suitcase but Colby stops me
C- it's not because I don't want you here because I do, but you're right we have been arguing a lot and maybe some time apart will help and plus I have something planned for the forth and I have things to do to prep for it and you can't be around
S- so wait so we're not taking a break?
C- what no?! Why would do that?!
S- well time apart usually means "let's take a break"
C- oh god no never I love you far to much to loose you, what I met by some time apart was you go back to la for a bit I don't wanna lose you ever and us arguing is gonna drive us apart and crazy
S- you have a point maybe I should go back to la for a bit *smiles* I'll miss you
C- don't you mean we'll miss you *smiles*
S- oh right we'll miss you *smiles*
C- I'll miss you guys too *smiles*
Sa- you guys? What's going on?
C- Selecia's pregnant and she's going to la for a bit weve been arguing a lot so we figured if she does that when I surprise her on the forth it will all be worth it
Sa- awh first congratulations I'm so happy for you guys and second you've been arguing??
S- yea like crazy
C- literally just two seconds ago we were
Sa- wow I've never heard you guys argue about anything
S- we keep it to ourselves
Sa- I think it's the fans stressing you guys out honestly
S- you might be right Sam *frowns* but we'll be okay we're not breaking up or anything just giving each other some us time separately for a bit
Sa- it's good to that or you guys will drive each other crazy
S- we're already doing that *laughs*
Sa- well I'll miss you and the little one even though I didn't know he or she existed till 5 seconds ago *laughs*
S- we'll miss you too *smiles* alright I gotta pack
C- I'll buy your ticket and I'll even buy you food so you can eat before you get on your flight *smiles*
S- Awee thanks *smiles* you're the best but I'm not the only one your feeding now *laughs*
C-  right*laughs* what do you and the baby want?
S- where are we again? *laughs*
Sa- uh Minnesota(a/n: just go with it 😂🤷🏻‍♀️)
S- right and I'm assuming they have pretty much the same places as anywhere else right *laughs*
C- yea *laughs*
S- the baby and I are craving pizza and pasta and wings *smiles* and a sub like a Publix sub or subway *laughs*
C- well pick which one you want more *laughs*
S- we can't decide we'd like both please *laughs*
C- of course *laughs* alright we'll pack and I'll find a pizza place and I'll find a sub place too *laughs*
S- yayyy *smiles*

Colby ends up ordering us pizza and my wings and pasta we got half pepperoni and half pepperoni with jalapenos for me and the baby and he got me a sub from subway while I packed once I was done and the food arrived we ate and watched a movie and then once we're done Colby takes me to the airport.

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