Chapter 6

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Selecia's pov *a week later*
"Cole, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave your dishes in the sink?!"
C- I don't know a million *laughs*
S- this isn't funny and it's not a joke you're gonna come spend the night you gotta clean up after yourself,if you need me I'll be in my room and don't bug me
C- wait what's going on with you
S- you don't know how to clean up after yourself that's what's going on with me
I say slamming my bedroom door
C- I hate to be that guy but is it that time of the month
S- jeez then why you'd ask if you "hate to be that guy" and no it's not
C- babe talk to me then please
S- there's nothing to talk about, okay well maybe there is but I don't wanna
C- babe I can't help if you don't talk to me
S-ugh, fine everything with us is going so good I'm starting to panic I've never had a healthy relationship before and it's scary and truth be told I don't even care you left a plate in the sink I just saw it as something to scream at you about which I'm sorry for that
C- babe it's okay, you don't have to feel bad I understand this is new territory for you, can you please unlock the door though
S- yea
I get up and unlock the door and open it and he doesn't say anything he just holds me and I cry.
S- I'm sorry, I'm just not used to all this
C- don't apologize babe I understand you don't have to worry about me leaving or me doing anything to hurt you I would never, because since Coachella you've changed my life I didn't know what love was till I met you
S- really?
C- yea, I know this might sound crazy but I love you so much and I don't want to spend my time anywhere else but here with you or wherever with you because you make me the happiest man on earth and if I lost you I'd go insane, like mental hospital insane.
S- awe *smiles* thanks for making me feel better
C- you're welcome and I'll even go wash my plate
S- awe thank you *smiles*
C- anytime you feel like that you can talk to me you know that right?
S- yes I do *smiles* and I'm sorry for not doing that the first time
C- I know you are beautiful, after I wash my plate if you want we can go on a walk there's a doughbricks pizza down the road
S- ouuuu I love that idea *smiles* I'll get changed
C- okay and babe
S- yea?
C- these next few months are gonna be extremely busy for us you wanna travel with us so we're not apart
S- Colby what about the fans?
C- if your ready we can tell them and you don't have to be in every video I really just want you there for me honestly *smiles*
S- awe *smiles* okay I like that and we can tell everyone when we get back but that means me getting hate and you gotta bare with me
C- I'll blowtorch anyone that hates on you
S- then you'd end up in jail again*laughs*
C- it would be worth it for you
S- you're a dork *laughs*
C- I know now go get dressed
S- you go wash your plate
C- I will *laughs*
S- you wanna twin you left an xplr sweater over here and I also have one or we can wear your protect your heart because I got two of those cause I stole one from you
C- really?! When?
S- Coachella when I was cold you let me wear it but I never gave it back
C- oh*laughs*
S- yea *laughs*
C- sure we can twin
S- yayyy, I'll be right back

I run to the room and I find both hoodies and i change and head back out to the living room

S-babe your hoodies on the couch
C- okay thank you
S- no problem, I love you
C- I love you too beautiful
S- *smiles*

He finishes washing his plate and puts the hoodie on and we head out and walk to doughbricks and talk.

S- so when do we start traveling?
C- next week we start in Canada at the castle with Celina and Kat
S- ouuu fun *smiles* I'll explore Canada or something while you guys are investigating hell maybe Shawn can come and show me around
C- I think that's a great idea *smiles*
S- yay *smiles*

I hear behind us and I turn around and Justin and I smile
S- JUSTINNNNNNNN oh my goddddd hiiiiiii dude
J- hey how's my favorite og fan *laughs*
S- I'm good, Justin you remember Colby
J- I do sup man
C- hey man
S- wanna know something funny
C- don't tell him
S- why not it's funny
J- now I wanna know *laughs*
S- he got arrested in your mugshot t-shirt *laughs*
J- no way?! *laughs*
S- yea *laughs*
C- I can't believe you told him *laughs*
S- it's funny *laughs* you laughed
C- yea I did laugh I never said it wasn't funny
H- babe?
J- over here beautiful
S- ugh to be Justin Biebers wife, man Hailey I'm beyond jealous *laughs*
H- yea you and everyone else *laughs*
S- honestly I'm not surprised
J- hey where are you guys headed
S- uh the pizza place down the road
H- ouuuu pizza
S- you can join us
J- sure *smiles*
S- do you mind babe?
C- uh it's the Biebers I literally have to *laughs*
S- *laughs* true

we meant at CoachellaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin