Chapter 4

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Selecia's pov
S- Harry I'm here, I say as I walk into his apartment and set my stuff and the groceries down
H- ello love how are you?
S- good and you?
H- I'm good, how was the rest of Coachella?
S- fun I sang with pink it was so fun *smiles*
H- I heard it's all over twitter
S- really?
H- yea you not been on twitter?!
S- no not really *laughs*
H- well you should look when you get the chance because your blowing up
S- wow I will thanks *smiles*
H- who was the guy you were talking to night one?
S- oh Colby? He's a friend *laughs* well for now I guess, but uh he's a huge fan of you and he's so jealous that I know you *laughs*
H- *laughs* wanna meet this Colby guy gotta make sure he passes my test to date you
S- what? Your not making him take a your test I learned that from the first two guys I tried dating they left because of you test
H- it's just a serious of questions I don't why that scares people
S- what kind of questions Harry?
H- normal ones like where do you see yourself in 5 years and do you see yourself marrying her
S- well jeez Harry that's why, you don't just go straight for things like that especially marriage *laughs*
H- yea your probably right *laughs*
S- no am right
I say laughing and cutting the onion for his food, well trying to in between crying
H- you good?
S- yea I'm fine I just cry cutting onions *laughs*
H- oh okay *laughs*
S- yea *laughs* thanks for asking though?
H- no problem *laughs* well I've got a meeting so I'll be in my room on zoom so don't cry too loud
S- *laughs* okay I won't be loud

He walks to his room and I continue cooking and listening to music.

S- baby you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your gets me overwhelmed and when you smile at ground it anit hard to tell you don't know oh-oh you don't your beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful
I sing and dance around the kitchen and I turn around and see Harry standing in the door way of the hallway grinning
S- uh hi Harry how was your meeting*laughs*
H- boring but don't change the subject you were just dancing to a one direction song in my kitchen
S- oh you saw
H- uh yea the whole thing actually *laughs*
S- welp this is kinda embarrassing but wouldn't be the first time I've utterly embarrassed myself in front of someone just this time it's in front of former one direction member and Grammy winning artist Harry styles *laughs*
H- I thought it was adorable and not at all embarrassing
S- really? *smiles* well thanks now I don't feel so bad, by the way I'm done *laughs* I'm even washing the dishes
H- I'll do it later you don't worry about that *laughs* just go home and kick your feet up or something I don't know *smiles*
S- oh okay *smiles* well bye Harry sorry you had to see my terrible dance moves *laughs*
H- bye love and they weren't all that terrible
S- *laughs* well thanks and have a goodnight text or call me if you need anything
H- why do you always say that when you leave
S- because I want you to know if you need anything you can call me *smiles*
H- awh okay *smiles*

I grab my things and head out the door and I head to my car, once I get there I get in and drive home.

Harry's pov
H-Wow she's something else
I say to myself as I head over to the sink to finish the dishes she didn't, as I'm doing the dishes all I'm thinking about is selecia, her smile, her personality, how insanely beautiful she is, wait do I like her?! No that can't be it can it? I shake my thoughts from head and focus on dishes, once I'm done I head to my room and sit on my bed and relax for a bit.

Selecia's pov
I'm home now and relaxing I ordered food and now I'm eating and watching YouTube, when my phone rings

S- hello?
Sh- hey garris
S- hey mendes what's up
Sh- so I have some news
S- okay what is it?
Sh- Andrew saw a video of you performing at Coachella and I told him music was a hobby of yours and he wants to sign you
S- what?! No fucking way?! Like he wants to give me a record deal?!
Sh- yea so what do you say?
S- uh well would I still be able to do my job?
Sh- yea unless you want to a tour then obviously you can't *laughs*
S- well uh can I think about it?
Sh- sure just let me know by Friday
S- okay thank you and why didn't you just walk over here?
Sh- I'm not home *laughs*
S- ohhhh okay well I'll let you know thanks for calling me and tell thank you Andrew too
Sh- I will *smiles* bye garris
S- bye mendes

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