"But it wasn't ~pt.4

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  "Ugh... I wanna go home"

   It was your first lesson, and you were already mad. When you enter the school with Floch, he came to his friends and started talking, looking at you. You were sure they were talking about you. They were laughing and smirking all time.  When you got to your class, you find Reiner being completely angry. He looked like he was going crazy. Next to him were laying broken things like pencils, ripped notebooks and his chair looked like someone has throw it.You immediately came to him, asking what happened.

-This motherfucker Forster happened. - he said. You could see he's face begin red and furious. - Yesterday i saw him at the park when i was walking with Berthold. He and his "buddys" came to us and started talking like we were friends, but  minute later, they were asking Berthold about Annie. They knew Annie is his weak spot. One of them mutter something about how hot she is, and how he would like to have her, or any shit like that. Berthold is usually pretty tolerate when someone it talking about him, but not when it comes about one of us, especially Annie. He punched him so damn hard in his face, that his nose started bleeding, and he fell on his ass.- you could see that Reiner is getting from every one word more angry. He tried to calm down himself, cause you were there, but he couldn't.

-Oh my...- you was standing there in shook. Yeah, everyone knew that Berthold was pretty buff, not like Reiner, but still, fighting with him wasn't a really nice thing.

- Yeah, and it's worse then you think. Guy run away from park crying like a baby, and Floch friends too, but he stayed. At first he were in same shook as you, but then he became mad. He gave us this raving mad look, and go in totally different way, then his homies. And today, before we could even put our things in lockers, Mr. Erwin put him in detention after classes, and gave him some bad notes. Also he already called his mom.  His mom don't take things like this very well, she won't be angry, but worried. And they can't even believe that he done that in defence of Annie. Do you even understand this?! It's our first week in this school, and he may already get expelled.

  "Poor Berthold. He's too good for this school. And what the fuck Floch is thinking about. I'm sure it was his idea. These guys are probably stupid, as most of Forster friends, and they did it for fun cause Floch make them, and he is cruel, clever man. He always need to make everything so much worse." You thought. Ah, how much you wanted to make Floch pay for his things, but you couldn't. You were scared that Bert school situation may get worse, and that you could ruin everything.

  You looked again at Reiner. Was he... Crying? You wasn't sure If you just didn't get enough sleep, and started having sleep problems, or he really cried. You looked in his face again. He's eyes were red and teary, his lips were shaking a bit.

   Indeed, he was crying. He tried to hide it from you, but he couldn't.

  You came a little closer to him. You put your arm on his shoulder. You didn't even realize when he did that, but you saw you were in his arms. He was hugging you with his face hided in your neck. You could feel his tears fell on your shoulder, and his warm breath on your back. This big, tall and buff guy, changed into a gentle boy who needed a bit od attention. You immediately hugged him back. But you were sure that from this situation your heart started beating faster and that your face became red. That were your week spots. Any kind of  interaction made you shiver.

  Soon after he get back to his normal position. Again he was much taller then you. He wiped of his tears. Room went silent. You stared at yourself, both really red. I never saw him like that.

-Don't worry Reiner- you said to break the silence. - Berthold is really an intelligent person, and im sure he will know how to get from this situation.
And if something bad happens you know you can always rely on me.

~Dancing in the rain~Floch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now