~My Luck~pt.7

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And thanks to my besto friendo  for checking my grammar and this whole fanfic :DD


-Floch...? - you turned around to see that it was Floch. You could feel someone watching you whole trip, but you never saw who it was. But now, on half empty land, with people sitting around you could clearly see him. You felt your face getting pink.

   He was only one person standing. He resisted on tree near him, while he was watching you. He was a bit surprised. After you saw him, he quickly turned around and went to his friends. Before he left you, you saw his cheeks being a bit red. "Was he blushing, because of me?" With that though your face turned into crimson red shade, that stuck idea in your mind. "Someone was blushing cause of me" Soon after him, you also went to your friends, before you would get even more red."

  "But why he was looking at me, and why it was Floch? " These kind of thoughts were running in your head. But again, you had to ignore them. You didn't wanted to bother you friends with your own problems. 

  You sat between Historia and Reiner. Mikasa was near Eren, hugging him, you and Armin joked about it a little, but only a bit. You didn't wanted to ruin their moment. You all were talking about many topics. Something about dating, something about training with Reiner, and much more.

   You needed to spend time with your friends like that.  Sometimes you could still feel Floch sight on you, but always when you wanted to look at him, he would turn his head around again, and start blushing.

  After two hours  you heard Jean, speaking to everyone.
-Guys, I think we should go. Sasha checked her phone and it said, it's going to rain. We have to go right now, if we don't want to walk in rain.

  You  started packing your things as fast as you could. Everyone looked a bit disappointed. You were too. So many fun things could happen. "It's my luck" you thought.

Ten minutes later, everyone were leaving your spot and went to their houses. While you were closer to your house, more people have left you and went to their homes, different ways. Soon it was only you, Reiner, Berthold, Marco and Floch.

You, Reiner and Bert, were going first, Floch and Marco behind you. You tried to ignore this feeling but you still felt Floch staring at you. Still tho, you heard him talking with Marco all the time.

- Y/n? - you heard Reiner calling you. - You're ok? - he asked giving you this caring look, and putting his hand on your shoulder.

Again, you were lost in your thoughts, and you didn't even heard him talking to you.

-Sorry Reiner- you apologized with a warm smile on your face - I was just thinking about something.

- If you say so - he put down his hand from your shoulder - I asked, if you want me to escort you to your home

-  Nah, thank you Reiner. It's going to rain, i don't want you to be wet while walking to your home because of me.

-It's really not a problem (Y/N).

-Don't worry Reiner, i don't need bodyguard.

-Yeah, yeah sure- he said laughing - then, we will be going. See you soon (Y/N), Marco... - he turned to Floch, and without saying anything to him, he and Bert left.

~Dancing in the rain~Floch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now