~Not him~ pt.5

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  How long you were there? About three lessons. You didn't have any kind of clock, or even your phone. That was the only way you could know what time it is. You were still thinking if they did that as a joke, or they really wanted to upset you and not letting you go for that spot, and you had so much time to think about it.

  You were laying on mattress that could be used for gymnastics, but apparently they could be used as a couch for you. You were so glad that this time it was in backrooms and not in gym. At least you could sit and wait in a comfty place. You were tired of screaming for help, or looking for anything that could help you get out. "But why? Why he always had to do such terrible thing to me?"  you coudn't get this thought out of your head. 

 Yeah, he was mean to everyone, but he was so awful to you. "If he wasn't like that, maybe we could be friends?" this concept got into your head, but as fast as you thought about it, you tried to forget it.

Floch P.O.V.

  "Where is she?" i asked myself every five minutes. Of course i knew where she could be, but why she wasn't here already. We had two lessons left. "Maybe she went to home, becouse of us?"  i was thinking about it, but i knew she wouldn't have done that. Soon after i realised it, i knew why she wasn't there.

- Guys, when did you let her out? - i asked my "friends"

-When?- they looked more stupid then ever

-We didn't let her out- finally one of them had spoke. - She is still there. We were there couple minutes ago. She stopped crying, but you still hear her doing something

- Are you stupid? - i was furious - I knew you were idiots, but i didn't knew that you were THAT stupid. I have said that you are going to let her go after some minutes, NOT SOME HOURS. Ugh... Just go and let her out! Bunch of morons...

  Soon we got there. But to my suprise, gym doors were open. On breaks we had too close them. That was suspicious. I felt like something was going on, and i was right.

-Oh my...(y/n) what are you doing there? Are you okey?- it was Reiner.

"Not him."

  [End of Floch P.O.V.]

    You were still waiting. Waiting for someone to finally let you go. You started thinking that you are going to spend whole day and maybe night there. If you  were there for a bit longer, you would break that one small window on top of the wall, and try to get out of there by it. Hopefully you didn't have to. You heard someone walking next your door. Without any hesitation you started screaming for help. Seconds later door were open and you saw a big blonde guy againt you. With a little tears in your eyes, you jumped into his arms. He hugged you back. You also saw  Berthold next to him, with worried expresion.

-Oh my...(y/n) what are you doing there? Are you okey?- this big, buff guy looked like he is going to  cry.

-Reiner... look- you turned around to see about Berthold was talking. And you saw him.

  Floch. He looked suprised. "Probably he was suprised by fact that you weren't in backroom and  that Reiner was with you" you thought. And you were right.  He immediatly went from suprised to insane. He looked like he is going to kill someone. You were questioning yourself, why he was so angry. Usally he would start laughing, joking or trying to annoy you in any possible way. It was something more. Something happend between them. Him and his ''friends''

- Forster what is wrong with you idiot? Can't you mind your own fucking bisness and stop going into our life you idiot?

    Reiner was even more angry then Floch. He couldn't handle his emotions. His blood was boiling.

-What is wrong with you man? Locking girls,  alone in an messy room that look like basement? Are you a freaking kidnapper? 

-Oh, shut up Braun. It was just a small joke, and i can't help that my friends are fucking idiots and they can't open door on time. - you could see how fast his emotions were changing. At first he was suprised how you were even there, then he was angry at Reiner and his own friends, and now he just seemed to be chill like nothing happend. He acted like Connie, when he did something bad and try to get out of it. "He could change his presonalty so damn fast'' you tought.You alweys remember him as a little manipulator, who with his puppy eyes could get anything he wanted, but now...? Lying was his habit. He was so good at it that you never knew when he was or wasn't telling truth-And look! She is alright. Nothing has happen to her. Oh my, sitting in room for three hours, what a terrifying thing! And actually, you should thank me. She has a little break from school so she don't get to tired.- he stared laughing and joking. He wanted to annoy Reiner even more... and saddly he was doing it.

- Thats to much Forster. - you looked at Reiner while he was going to Floch. Probably to kick his ass. And he wasn't joking. You could see him turning red. You saw ''that'' anger in his eyes. He was really about to fight him. Berthold was talking to him about that, that he shoudln't do that, but he didn't care. And Floch looked like he was about to fight him too.  You saw that he didn't hesitate to do that, he was really happy to do that, even tho he wasn't having to many chances to win. Something was so odd with that situation. ''He had a plan.'' Propably something like ''Imma get my ass kicked but i  report him so principal.'' In best situation he get expelled. In best situation for Floch of course. You felt like you had to stop him. He was already so worried of Berthold situation. You didn't wanted to get him into new problem. You had to stop him.

-Reiner...- at first you started it softy and quietly. But it didn't worked. - Reiner- This time it was more loud. You were getting a bit annoyed by this situation.  And this didn't worked too. He really was about to fight with him. You heard that Bert was talking something to him, but still he wanted to do that. You saw floch smirking at you. He exactly knew what he wanted. He even started joking about you with his friends. ''What a jerk''

-Reiner!- you were mad at this point. One fool who want to ruin your life, and your friend, who want to protect you. You had to be honest that your friend also was a fool, for getting into Floch's plan. You had enough of these guys. You grabed Reiner arm and tried to stop him. It worked. He istantly turned to you. You looked into his light brown eyes. He saw that you were going insane, but also how much you were touched by everyting that is happening. - C'mon Reiner. Nothing has happen to me! I don't want to get you in trouble. Just let this go.

  You were still loking deeply into his eyes, and he were too. His anger let of while you touched his hand. Red on his face from anger turned into a light pink blush. He wasn't so confident like before. He started acting like meek lamb.

-Let's just go gu- you were interupted by Reiner.

- You're not mad at him?

  You turned around to Floch. He was crazy again. He looked at you. His eyes on you. He looked...jealous? You weren't sure. But you were sure that it was funny to see him so angry.

-I'm not. - You said still looking at him. His emotions changed again. But this time you didn't mind it so much. You just turned back to boys and smiled to them. -So... are you going to see this spot that Sasha was talking about?

  You looked again at Reiner and he looked at you. He was still blushing. And you were still holding his hand.

-Y-yeah, sure!

AHHH! Sorry for making it like Reiner x Reader fanfiction, but i love him so much that i can't stop myself. And i think it makes the story more interesting. And this part is shit;))))

Sorry for making you wait for  ''that'' i try to make next part better!!!!

And i have already better plans for next part sooo~~~

wait for it! and BYE BYE BYE BYE

~Dancing in the rain~Floch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now