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I do know that vanya is now Victor. I'm keeping it vanya till I get to season 3. Or until i feel it is ready. I respect the change of character but I just wanna keep it like this for now. Thank you.

-(y/n)s pov-
I stood there for a moment. "Come on let's go get you something else to wear." Allison said as she led me to my room. I nodded and followed her.

Once we got to my room I went to my closet. Everything was still the same as it was years before. Plus some extra clothing that dad didn't know I had.

"How do you feel?" Allison asked. "Well I'm in my 13 year old body again.... so I'm confused." I say as I pick out an outfit. "I mean with Five back." She said. "Oh.. um happy, confused, maybe a little bit angry. Yet again who knows what's going on in my head?" I say chuckling. I get changed behind the door. "Can I say that I'm glad he's back? Or is it too weird to still feel the same as I did when we were kids?" I ask as I look at the photo of me and Five that was on my stand. "It's not." She said patting my back.

I heard her footsteps leave the room. I walked down the stairs. Everyone walking outside in the rain. I grab and umbrella and follow.

"Did something happen?" Mom asked. Everyone looked at her confused. "Dad died, remember?" Allison asked. "Oh, yes ofcourse." Mom said. "Is Mom okay?" Allison asked. Diego looked at Allison. "Yeah, yeah she's fine. She just needs to rest, you know. Recharge.. " He said.

Pogo walked up to the group. "Whenever you are ready dear boy." Pogo said. Luther looked at him then the ground. He took of the lid of the ashes and tilted it. The ashes falling straight down to the ground. Klaus flinched at this. "Probably would have been better with some wind." Luther said. "Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks. Everyone stayed quiet. "Very well. In all regards, sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall be forver in his debt. He was my master, and my friend. And I shall miss him very much." Pogo said before pausing. I look around to see everyone's faces. I stopped at fives. "He leaves behind a complicated legacy-" "he was a monster." Diego interrupted. Klaus laughing. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world is better off without him." "Diego-" "My name is is number two. You know why? Because our father, couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it." He said. "Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom asked.

"No it's ok Mom." Vanya said. "Oh. Okay." She said. "Look you wanna pay your respects go ahead. But be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego said. "You should stop talking now." Luther mumbled. "You know you of all people should be on my side here number one." "I am warning you.." "after everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away." "Diego stop talking." "That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego yelled. Luther then launched his arm at Diego.

The two started to fight. "Boys! Stop this at once!" Pogo yelled. I didn't say anything but watched with a blank face. I look over to see Klaus pretending to protect Five. And Five gave him a confused look. The boys still fighting. "Stop it!" "Hit him!" Pogo left the scene as the boys were still at it. They inched closer to Ben's statue. "I don't have time for this." Five said turning to walk away. I looked at him and followed.

We went to the kitchen. Five started to look for something. Then Allison walked in. "Where's vanya?" She asked. "Oh she's gone." Klaus said from the table. "That's unfortunate." Five said. "Yeah." "An entire square block. 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but not 9ne single drop of coffee." Five said. "Dad hated caffeine." Allison said. "Well he hated children too, but he had plenty of us." Klaus said. "I'm taking the car." Five said. "Where are you going?" Klaus asked. "To get a decent cup of coffee." He spat. "Do you even know how to drive?" Allison asked. "I know how to do everything." He said. He turned towards me and grabbed my arm. "Let's go (y/n)." He said as he spatial jumped.

We got into the car and he turned the key. Driving off. The entire ride neither of us talked. I didn't know what to say to him. I'm sure he didn't either.

We pulled up to Griddy's Doughnuts. Five racing out of the car. I got out slowly and went in. I sat down next to him as a man came in. "Sorry. Sink is clogged. So what will it be?" The lady asked. "Uh give me a chocolate enclair." The man said. "Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" She asked. I looked at Five. "The kid wants coffee. Black." Five said bitterly. "Cute kid." She said. Five just smiled. "I'll have a water please." I said quietly. She nodded and looked freaked out by Five. "I don't remember this place being such a shit hole. We use to come here as kids. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times." Five said. "Yeah. I suppose." The man said. The lady walked over with our stuff. "I got theirs." The man said as he handed the lady money. "Thanks... you must know your way around the city." "Hope so. Been driving for 20 years." "Good. I need an address." Five said. I looked at him confused but didn't pay any mind to the conversation any more.

Once the man left Five shoved the already written on tissue into his pocket. Continuing to drink as someone else came in. I turned to look at the door to see many people. "Huh. That was fast. Thought I'd have more time before they found me." Five said. "Okay let's all be professional about this Yeah. On your feet and come with us. We wanna talk." A man said pointing a gun to Five. "I've got nothing to say." Five said looking at his coffee. "Doesn't have to go this way. Think I want to shoot a kid? Go with that on my conscious." He said. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that.: Five said. He turned towards the man. "You won't be going home." He said.

He grabbed a knife and spatiql jumped behind the man. Stabbing him. His gun going off. I quickly cover my head the broken stuff. "Hey assholes!" Five said as he was on the counter. They pointed their guns at him and shot. But he jumped away. Bullets flying everywhere. I get down on the ground and lift my hand up. I used my power to lift a knife and stab one of the guys with the guns.

Five was still fighting them. Once he finished I stood up and went to him. He went and grabbed his tie trying to put it back on himself. I grabbed his shoulder and fixed it for him before he walked over snapping a guys neck and pulling out a knife. He started to cut his arm. I covered my mouth as I gasped. "Five-" just as I went to speak he pulled out a small little pill looking thing. He looked at me, stood up and grabbed my hand, and we walked out. He dropped the pill thing on the ground.

We left Griddy's doughnuts. Going somewhere else.

We ended up crawling through some windows and sat in the dark. Soon the door opening. Vanya walking inside. "Jesus!" Vanya exclaimed. "You should have locks on your windows." Five said. "I live on the second floor." Vanya said. "Rapists can climb." ''You are so weird."

Vanya walked over, smiled at me, and sat down. Looking in Fives direction. "Is that blood?" Vanya asks. "It's nothing." He replied. "Why are you here?" Vanya questions. "I've decided you're the only one I can trust." He said. I shoot him a look of 'wtf'. "Other than you." He said rolling his eyes. "Why me?" "Because your ordinary. Because you'll listen." He said. Vanya stood up and walked out the room. "Rude." I huffed. Not looking in his direction. "You know what I ment." He said. I roll my eyes and ignore him.

Vanya came back in with some bandages. Helping him. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" He asked. "No." Vanya replied. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell I was the last alive. Never figured out who killed the human race. I did find something else. The date it happens.... The world ends in 8 days and I have no idea how to stop it." Five said. I glanced up to see vanya looking confused. "I'll put on a pot of coffee." Vanya said.

Thank you for those who waited for like years for this update. ❤

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