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"shit" I mumbled as I looked through my closet trying to find everything that I needed to pack. My best friend in the whole world was sitting on my bed watching this shit show go down. Her name is Luna, and she's been my bestfriend since Pre-k. "this is what you get for waiting to pack until the day you leave" Luna said while watching me shove anything and everything I could find into my bag.

"okay its not my fault I'm a major procrastinator" I said while looking up at her after finally zipping my duffle bag up. "I reminded you everyday for a week that you needed to pack for this trip and you still forgot, Typical Amelia" she said while laughing at me.

"you know what" I said while moving closer to her on the floor. "what" Luna said while looking over at me. "I am so lucky to have you as my best friend, and I am going to miss you so much this summer" I said while hugging her tight. "well you might get a surprise visit or two, plus, you'll be too caught up with Jeremiah to even spare me a thought" she said while fake gagging.

"oh shut up" I said, giggling and pushing her away. "Belly, Amelia, we're leaving in the next ten minutes!" my mom shouted. "okay ten more minutes to make a plan for you to snatch up Jeremiah this summer" she said turning to me with her serious face on. "okay what? no way, I am not doing one of your plans, Besides I don't think he likes me like that anyways" I said with an eyeroll.

"oh trust me honey, by the end of this summer, I will have you two together. just trust me" she said while beginning to stand up and walk towards my door. "wait!" I yelled while running up to her and giving her the tightest hug possible. "love you" I mumbled in her hair. "love you too" she said while pulling back and holding my face in her hands. "now go get your mans" she said while turning and walking away. I just laughed, I seriously don't know what I did to get such a good friend.

we were in the car now, making our way to cousins, the best place on earth in my opinion. I was sitting in the back of the car with my mom and my brother and sister were in the front. Belly was singing and dancing to whatever song was playing on the radio as I sat in the back, just taking in the view. "uh, can you guys turn it down a little please" my mom said. "yes please" steven, my older brother mumbled.

"thank you. I just want you to be better about helping out this summer" we all nodded. "like don't just leave your dishes in the sink, load them into the dishwasher. And not just your own dish either Steven" I laughed. "what? but I" he didn't even get to finish his sentence when my mom started talking again.

"I want you to be good houseguest" my mom said finally. but my stupid brother just had to keep talking. "mom, Susannah has people who clean, doesn't she?" he said. "Steven" she said while hitting him. "ow, all right, all right sorry" he said while rolling his eyes.

my mom is weird about money, the fact that Susannah has a lot and we don't. "just be considerate and act like I raised you right, steven that means don't stay out too late" he scoffed "mom, I'm too old for a curfew" he whined. "wait what about me and Amelia? we don't have a curfew either, right?" she said while turning around in her seat to look at her mom. Steven laughed. "what do you guys need a curfew for? you don't go anywhere" he said. "don't be a jackass Steven" our mom scoffed. "what?" he said confused. "girls, we'll talk about it when something comes up"

"oh and don't forget you promised you would take me and Belly driving" I said, finally talking. "what? I said I would take you guys" my mom said. "yeah, but you're too judgy" Belly said quietly. Steven laughed at this. "excuse me" my mom said while crossing her arms "yeah, sorry mom" I said while sending her an apologetic look.

We pulled up to a gas station to get gas, and use the restroom. Well our mom did. But me and Belly had different plans, we wanted snacks. We walked in and I grabbed some sour gummy worms and a Dr. pepper, my two favorite things ever. "Hey" the guy at the cash register said when he saw us getting our snacks. "uh, hi" I said awkwardly. "Are you two new this summer?" he asked while looking us up and down. I felt uncomfortable under his stare. "uh, us? N-No" my sister stuttered. "really? hmm, thought I knew every pretty girl in cousins" he said while clearly staring at our boobs. what the fuck. "coming to the bonfire tonight?, first of the season" he stated. "uh maybe" Belly said while giving a small smile. "come, I'll introduce you to some of my friends" he said while scanning our items.

"maybe we will" I said while awkwardly scratching the back of mt neck, waiting for this to be over. I was glad when my mom came over and started talking. "after we get settled in do you want to go to Whale of a Tale with me so I can pre-sign stock before the signing tomorrow night?" she said while looking at us waiting for an answer. "uh.." I tried to say something but nothing really came out, I really didn't want to go so I didn't know what to say.

"remember how you two used to sit on my lap when I did signings there" my mom said while my sister clearly looked embarrassed. I didn't mind, maybe it would make him think we were weird and he would stay away. "you insisted on drawing a little whale on every book I signed" she kept on. "No, I-I don't remember that" Belly said awkwardly as she paid for our snacks. "I'll take that, thank you" she said when the man tried to hand the card back to us.

"ill make you a deal, I'll let you pick out tonight's dessert if you come with me and keep me company" she said more towards Belly than me. It was pretty obvious who the favorite daughter was. Belly was only about a year younger than me and my mom favored her. But I didn't mind that much, I was used to it. But sometimes it hurt, it hurt to know that my mother even had a favorite. But its whatever I guess.

As we got back in the car and began driving again I only had one though in my head. Seeing Jeremiah again. I had changed a lot since last summer. I got boobs, And I mean I've always kinda had an ass. more than most girls at least. And My hair had grown and my face, It got prettier? I don't know I just feel a lot more confident. Hopefully Jeremiah notices.

summer love - Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now