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It was morning when I finally woke up. I opened my eyes to the blinding sun peaking through the blinds. My head hurt so bad I felt like crying.

I finally got the courage to get up and walk about 5 minutes later. I hopped out of bed and started walking downstairs. When I got down there I saw my mom sitting at the table with Belly, and Jeremiah cooking something on the stove. Steven was messing around with him while he was cooking and Conrad...Well Conrad was groaning and rolling around on the couch.

"good morning sunshine" Jeremiah said while looking at me with a smile. "good morning Jere" I said while going up to give him a hug. "oh so she can get close to you while your cooking but I cant" my brother said while rolling his eyes.

"yes because I'm just better than you" I said while shrugging my shoulders. "oh whatever" he said while walking away. "okay so back to the point, do we really have to physically sit for our self portraits?" Jeremiah asked my mom. "cant she just look at a picture on her phone or something?"

"she needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence while your still young and full of hope" my mom laughed and soon after, Me and Jeremiah started laughing too. "Her words"

"well Conrad does not have hope, actually he's hopeless but my hangover smoothie...it cures all" he said proudly. "can you please just hurry up" Conrad groaned from the couch. "just go back to bed alright?" Jeremiah said while rolling his eyes.

I left the kitchen to find Belly, she had run off while I was talking to everyone and I didn't see where she went. I went out back to try to find her but she wasn't there so I just decided to go and sit on the edge of the pool and dip my feet in for a little bit.

A few minutes later I heard the back door open, and then footsteps coming towards me. "He Lia" Jeremiah said while sitting next to me. "My mom just said that you and Belly agreed to do the debutante" he said while looking at me.

"yeah Belly and I wanted to do it for Susannah" i said while looking back at him. "well that's cool, I'm sure you going to do great doing...whatever you do" he said while laughing. "thanks" I said while smiling at him. "do you think maybe... you could be my escort?" I said while looking down at the water again, embarrassed.

he placed his hand on my face and slowly lifted it back to look at him. "of course, I would do anything for you Amelia, even if I swore off balls" He laughed lightly. We began to slowly lean in, then are lips were almost touching, i could feel his hot breath against my face. Then suddenly "Jeremiah what the fuck" My brother yelled. We both quickly pushed away from each other. "were you about to kiss my sister?" he asked with his hands on his hips. I thought he looked funny. Jeremiah didn't say anything so my brother just rolled his eyes. "whatever lets just go to work, we're gonna be late" he said while walking back inside.

"I guess you better go" I said while looking up at him. "I wish I didn't have to, I would spend everyday of summer with you if I could" he said while starting to get up. I got up with him and quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. "good luck on your first day" I said while turning to walk away.

Once I got inside all I heard was Susannah freaking out about what needed to be done now that me and Belly agreed to be debutantes. "oh my gosh you both need an escort!" she said while starting to freak out again. "oh I already have one" I said while smiling. "oh, who?" Susannah said while calming down a little bit. "Jeremiah" I said quietly while looking down, I was embarrassed again. I was hopinh she wouldn't be mad that her son was taking me.

"Oh my gosh I knew you two were meant to be!" she yelled while jumping up and down. "he swore off balls a while ago I don't know how you convinced him to take you, but I'm glad you did, you two are so cute together" she said while squeezing my cheeks. "thank you Susannah, I'm happy to have him as my best friend" I said with a smile.

"wow I see how it is" Conrad said from the table. "oh don't worry your still my bestest friend" I said while going up to give him a hug. I feel like I haven't talked to him all summer. He's been really distant. "of course I am, and I always will be" he mumbled into my hair.

"Okay girls, I think we have some shopping to do" Susannah said. "okay just let me and Lia go get ready real quick" Belly said while dragging me to her room. We both began getting ready with some small talk here and there. And of course she asked a bunch of questions about Jeremiah

Belly has been Me and Jere's number one shippers for a few years now. We haven't came up with a ship name yet but she's been working on it. I told her about how we almost kissed, and how he said he would do anything for me. And she just sat there looking happy.

Now that I had convinced Jeremiah to be my escort, it was my job to make sure that Belly got to go with Conrad, I just had to make a plan. He could be so stubborn sometimes, but I know deep down that he loves belly and now just in a friend way.

okay seriously I did not expect this many people to read my book, but thank you all for reading, and for the votes. the family that was staying the weekend just left and my first though was to write another chapter for you guys. But seriously help me with a ship name for Jeremiah and Amelia, because I can not think of anything.

summer love - Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now