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the tournament was over now so i decided to go check on taylor, since she twisted her ankle.

"hey tay how's ur ankle?" i asked when i got to her. belly and luna walked up behind me. "yeah how's it feeling?" belly asked

"it's better" she said while shrugging her shoulders. she sent me a little wink, and i knew exactly what she did. but i don't mind because i'm belly and conrad's #1 shippers.

"belly, lia" nicole said, walking up to us.

"hey nicole" belly said, and i just waved.

"uh you remember my friend taylor, and this is lias best friend luna" belly said, introducing everyone.

"yeah, hi" she awkwardly waved "um anyways so, my dads boat just came up from Anguilla" Nicole said "so what do you guys think about a pizza and rosé in a few hours?"

"just something fun to end the day" she continued talking "and you're more than welcome to come too, taylor and luna"

"uh yeah we'll be there" i smiled at her "great see you later" she said before walking away.

we were now back at the beach house and i was getting ready while jeremiah was on my bed, watching me get ready.

"you're so pretty" he said suddenly. i turned around and smiled at him "and you're so handsome" i said while pecking him on the lips.

"ugh do you have to go" he groaned while pulling me on the bed with him. "Jere i won't be gone long, you'll be okay" i rolled my eyes at him

"i want you to go to that party with steven and conrad tonight and have fun okay?" i said

"fine, but i won't have fun" he said

"i love you" i smiled at him. he smiled back before saying "i love you too lia"

me, Belly, Taylor and Luna were now in the car on the way to Nicole's boat. i was pretty excited

"okay i don't know about you guys but i don't like these girls" Taylor said.

"you're just jealous Belly has other friends" i laughed. it was true, Taylor hated the thought of Belly having other friends, she told me once.

"that's true, but i also just don't like their vibe, you know?" she questioned, looking back at me.

"it's okay Taylor, just please try to like them, that's all i ask" Belly said, looking over at her

"i cant make any promises" Taylor said, shrugging her shoulders.

we were now on the boat with Nicole and all the other girls, playing never have i ever.

"put a finger down if you've ever made out with two different people within 24 hours of each other" Nicole said.

a few people put their finger down, but not me.

"okay, put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to..you know" gigi said, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

Taylor put her finger down and we all looked at her.

"his name was harry bear styles like.." she laughed shrugging her shoulders

everyone laughed and we continued on with the game for about 30 minutes until someone came up with a dare.

"put a finger down if you've ever been skinny dipping" Nicole said

none of us out our finger down

"put a finger down if you've ever been skinny dipping at hoppers cove" she said, raising her eyebrows.

"is that a dare" Taylor asked

a bunch of the girls didn't want to come skinny dipping with us so it was just me, Belly, Taylor, Luna, Nicole and Gigi.

all of us were already in the water except for Gigi.

"hey, watch out for jelly fish" she said running up "i don't wanna have to pee on any of you guys"

"the other two girls missed out" Taylor said

"i know. i figured Dara wouldn't, but Marissa?" Nicole said

"Nicole" Gigi suddenly said.

"yeah?" Nicole answered back.

"conrad's texting you"

"okay coming"

"this is so nice" Luna said, floating around in the water.

"yeah i have to admit, i like your friends" Taylor said

"i knew you would" Belly laughed

"they all seem down with you and Jeremiah" Taylor said to me "even gigi, who's veins just about exploded when she heard" she laughed.

all of a sudden there were bright lights blinding us. i looked over and saw that they were car lights, Nicole's car lights.

"i knew they were bitches" Taylor mumbled while swimming back to the dock

"what's happening" Belly questioned, following behind her.

"wait" luna said when she got to the dock "they took everything"

"except for your phone, which has a really incriminating text from conrad" i said while handing Belly her phone

"what does it say" Taylor asked

"my mom did ask me to ask you to the ball, but that's not why i did it, i did it because i wanted to" Belly read

"oh my god" i said

"okay guys let's just focus on what we're gonna do" Luna said

"well we're not walking home naked" i said

suddenly Taylor saw 2 big tarps, and we decided it was good enough so we got them and started walking.

home was far away, we had been walking for about 10 minutes now and everyone was complaining.

"lia why cant you just call Jeremiah? we're gonna be like, murdered" Taylor groaned.

"no, called jeremiah would be too much drama" i said

"i don't think i can walk two more miles" Luna groaned

"fine, fine i'll call him, just don't say anything" i sighed and pulled out my phone

it rang once before he answered, there was party music blasting in the background.

"lia?" he yelled through the phone "hang on let me go outside" he said before i heard a bunch movement through the phone.

"okay, hey baby what's up" he said

"hey so um, something happened and uh, i just need you to come pick us up" i said

"what happened? are you okay?" he said worriedly

"i'm okay just please come" i pleaded

"i'm on my way baby" he said before hanging up

"okay guys he's on his way" i said before sitting down on the curb

now we just wait

hey guys, so this book is almost over and i don't know if i'm going to continue it into the second season since it just came out, i'm thinking about but i'm just not sure yet. anyways i love you guys and thank you for all the comments and votes <3

summer love - Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now