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Just to say, i won't write everything about crystals here, that would be a book itself. But here are some things to keep in mind.

Fake or real?
There is alot of tests to check if your crystals are real, but not everyone are safe.
This is some do' and dont's recommendations for checking a crystal:
🪨 Check if its cold to touch
🪨 Google real vs fake pics of your crystal to compare, some can be noticable.
🪨 Search up facts like MOH hardness and where it is there. If it have MOH on 6 or more it should be able to scratch glass.
🪨 Look gor crystals with non vibrant colors. Most crystals with vibrant colors are dyed.
🪨 Look for imperfections. Nature makes perfect imperfect! It can be anything from small rainbows inside that crystal, to imperfections on the surface.
🪨 Glass is a little heavier than gems, so if you can lift it up, compare to what u think the same amount of glass weights.
🪨 Look for air bubbles. This will look different from natural imperfections

🐚 Dont try light your crystal on fire, it can crack up and damage the crystal. In a worst case scenario, it will make a little explosion and you can get hurt from its small pieces.
🐚 Dont put the crystals in water and freeze them. Some people do this to see their energy, but big temperature changes such as freezing and melting can cause the crystal to crack up and get damaged.
Also, some crystals should not be put in water.
🐚 The ice melting method. This is a method where you see how fast a crystal can melt ice. This method can cause crystals to get damaged, and also, alot of things such as metals, salts and normal stones and alot more can melt ice pretty quick too.

Some people just have a connection to crystals, and are always drawn to them. I can say that I was really interested in rocks from a young age, and often drawn towards the quartz pieces or other rocks that was special. Im not saying that this is a sign you are drawn to them. When you feel drawn to something you will most likely notice yourself.
There are different forms for connection to crystals, as some just take a close look at the bowl with crystal and pick the right one, and some have to hold the crystal and feel its energy. There are alot of different methods as well. No one can rlly tell you that this one method is the right for you.

Cleanse and charge crystals
To cleanse crystals, you can use the methods in the cleansing chapter. Cleansing takes away energies, and personally, i like to cleanse and charge together. However, its not needed and its up to you.
For those who may need a reminder; smoke, sound, wash, spray or salt burial. (There is alot more you can do other than these)
Cleansing crystals can be done often, or not so often.
My personal recommendations, is to cleanse when;
🍄 You buy/get a crystal, someone with bad energies might have touched it, or bad energies gotten attached to them.
🍄 Someone you are uncomfortable with touvhing your crystals/you dont want to touch your crystals touch them.
🍄 You feel like they need a cleanse/have negativity attached to them.

Charging crystals gives them new energy. Specially after a cleanse, they get more positive energy.
To charge your crystals, you can;
🍄 Let sit in salt.
🍄 Use your own energy to charge them.
🍄 Let sit in sun/moon light.
🍄 Place beside selenite for a few hours.
🍄 Bury in soil and let your crystals get energy from the earth.
🍄 Breathe your energy and intentions into the crystal
There is more methods to research.

Water unsafe crystals
Some crystals are not supposed to be in water. Some will give out toxic chemicals when they are raw, but when tumbled they will get a protective layer around them. Some crystals are known to get damaged or crack up in water. These crystals will be okay with a quick dip, but not a several hour long charge in water.
A rule of thumb is to not take any crystal that ends in -ite in water.

Not sun safe crystals
Some crystals can not be in the sun. The color tend to fade, and the crystal can actually loose power. Not all of them, but some are known for that.
Amethyst and rose quartz are two crystals that fade in sunlight.

Salt unsafe crystals
Some crystals cant be in salt either. Salt can damage and scratch up the surface on the crystals. Some crystals can get more damage that only the surface, like calcite.

What crystals to get first?
Now this is a good question. What i personally think is a good rule, is to find some crystals you vibe with, or feel drawn to. All crystals give different energies, and some wont match your energy. I personally like to buy crystals in a store rather than through the internet, so i can hold the crystal and feel its energy. Some people dont feel this as important or necessary at all. The forever best recommendation will be to follow your own beliefs and intuition.

How crystals can help you in witchcraft
Crystals are actually a tool you can use in your craft. Each crystal have different properties, and will therefore help with different things. You can use it in different ways to help you, here are some:
🍄 Meditation-You can have crystals with you when you meditate. For example can hematite and black tourmaline help you to feel more grounded, or you can use selenite to connect with your 3rd eye.
🍄 Chakras-Crystals can help you open, energize and balance the chakras. The crystals work on different chakras. If this is interesting, do some research on chakras.
🍄 Decor-Decorate your place with crystals and let the crystals give energy and good vibes of their properties.
🍄 Jewelry-Wear crystals as jewelry or in ur pocket to get a boost through the day.
🍄 Spells&rituals-Crystals can assist you in spells and rituals that correspond to their properties. You can for example have black obsidian and black tourmaline in a protection working, and rose quartz in a love working.

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