Chapter 1.

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Living the life of a college boy was simple.

Being wealthy enough that he didn't have to find a job to pay rent and other obligations also made his life simple.

Having to live with someone and share everything with them was less simple, but still manageable.

What wasn't simple was to keep his relationships with his family members intact, because they were against everything that he was doing.

Jungkook was 24, a healthy guy with ambitions. He was a dance major, and he loved his classes at his college, where he studied techniques of ballet, modern, jazz or tap dance, and things like dance history and stagecraft and choreography. He also enjoys boxing and swimming, spending his free time going to the pool or the gym to train his skills.

Jungkook was in a relationship with Jaemin, who was also Jungkook's best, best friend. For as long as he could remember, Jaemin had been by his side. He had been the only person who believed in him since Jungkook was 14 and just starting out in dance. Jaemin had encouraged him to follow his passion, just like he had encouraged and become Jungkook's biggest support when he came out to his parents, told them that he was gay at the age of 17 and ruined the family peace.

Jungkook didn't feel guilty about that. He didn't regret wanting to be himself. His parents had wanted someone different. They wanted grades based on his knowledge, they wanted him to become a lawyer, because both of them were, or to study medicine, something they deemed worthy of respect. Dance wasn't. The expectations were a burden, and they worsened because his older brother had failed in becoming either of those.

Namjoon was four years older than him. He was the wild child, a real party animal who spent his time and money on parties and drugs. Going against his family's wishes, his love for parties led him to become a wedding planner. Jungkook thought it was a good job, which paid well and which suits his brother, original and positive, but their parents were disappointed. They called Namjoon free spirited and blamed him for being a bad influence on Jungkook when Jungkook didn't care for what they considered the right path, instead following the footsteps of his brother who had always told him that he was supposed to live the life that he wanted to live and chase after his dreams.

"Namjoon has a birthday party next week," Jungkook said, walking out of the shower with a toothbrush in his mouth, the toothpaste dripping from his lips as he spoke. Jaemin turned to look at him from his spot on the couch, his glasses falling lower on his nose as he looked at him dismissively.

"So?" Jaemin asked indifferently and turned back to look at the television.

The thing was... Namjoon never really approved of Jaemin, even when all of them used to play together on the playground. Namjoon was always making fun of Jaemin, calling him a nerd and a magnifier, since he had glasses from a very young age. He had always disliked Jaemin and how Jungkook acted around him, because Namjoon wanted Jungkook to follow him instead of Jaemin who he deemed to be the loser.

The bullying grew worse when Namjoon became a teenager and started smoking, found himself bad friends, started going to wild parties, despite the many times that he got grounded. His grades at school dropped drastically, and there was even a time when he fought at school and got caught smoking weed by the cops. He didn't appear to regret anything, instead coming back to Jaemin and Jungkook to tell them stories of how happy he was, and implying that the two of them did nothing fun. Blaming Jaemin for affecting Jungkook in the wrong way.

The truth was that, while Namjoon was a rebel and a party animal at the age of 20, his then-16 years old little brother got through puberty and started thinking that the path that his brother was taking wasn't something that he wanted for himself.

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