Chapter 2

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Monday came and it was crazy again. Jungkook felt like he was going to collapse after the first half of the classes that he had, never getting out of that hall because apparently, there was some theatre show they needed to prepare. He was anticipating it, but it was sucking the life out of him to the point where he took a break from dancing. He showered quickly and ran through Jaemin's messages on his phone. He walked down the corridor to the cafeteria, smiling down at the silly rants Jaemin had sent him, and listening to the song that he started to hate.

Namjoon's name popped on the screen of his phone and he picked up, smiling at several students who passed him by.

"You are up way too early," he said as a greeting, knowing that his brother wasn't usually up before noon if he didn't go to work.

"Duty calls," Namjoon answered cheerfully. "But I have a few hours to lose. Are you busy?"

"God, I need a break. I can't feel my legs," he replied and looked down at his dancing worn out pants. "You wanna come see me? How come?"

"You vanished too quickly from the party and we couldn't even speak. And it doesn't matter that you think I am irresponsible and careless, I miss my brother and I want to know how he's been. So can I meet you? I am close to the college, so I can be there in... less than 15 minutes."

"There is a coffee shop outside. They make good stuff there and I'm also starving." Jungkook provided the information and left the hallway, stepping down the stairs as his muscles started to burn. "I'll wait there." He hung up after that and kept texting Jaemin while making his way out to the cafe.

The university's yard was packed as usual, so he threw glances here and there while walking to the cafe, seeing the regular customers already there. Some of the guys were playing guitar and singing, and the owner of the cafe had the music turned off, taking advantage of the free concert.

Jungkook got himself a latte and ordered the same for his brother, getting two burgers for them as well, and carried all of that outside since the weather was nice and he wanted to get some fresh air.

I hate those assholes. Always thinking they are better than everyone just because they went to court to watch a trial.

Well, that's kinda cool, isn't it?

.........which side are you on?

I'm messing with you.

Ever heard that your humor sucks?

Jungkook shook his head, knowing that Jaemin was probably upset, but he couldn't do anything to calm him down when he was miles away from him.
So he did what he was used to doing.

I love you.

Jaemin didn't respond and Jungkook put his phone down, noticing a tall figure coming closer. A moment later, Namjoon took the seat opposite of him and Jungkook pushed the tray with food and coffee, giving him a smile.

"You look fancy," he commented, taking in Namjoon's grey suit. He looked professional, despite his colored hair.

"Thank you so much," Namjoon replied with a hint of irony and laughed, reaching out to ruffle Jungkook's hair. "Your hair is getting longer, let's cut it off."

"I don't have time," Jungkook replied and looked at the strand of hair that had fallen in his eyes after his brother attacked him and brushed it back. "Anyway, how's work? Any interesting couples lately?"

"No, the usual." The other simply shrugged. "And you? How is school?"

"There is a showcase that's gonna happen next week. Feel free to come. I will be a fairy," Jungkook replied as excitement filled him up again, eyes wide. "It's a cool story and I finally got the main role."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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