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hi peoplesssss!!! yes this is a very overused idea, i know. so why r u still reading it? 😏😏😏

that's right. we're all thirsty hoes who can't get enough. i'll put smth before each chap as a sort of warning in case there's smth u don't feel comfy reading. the safety of my readers and baby soft stans is always first priority, so pls pay attention to warnings. (says me who blew past all the 🔞🔞🔞 shit like it didn't exist🤠)

i'm not sure what all this is going to be but we'll just see as it progresses. for now i'm just going to be doing my fav ships, but i might start taking requests in the future?? idk we'll see :D

and btw, in case u didn't notice, THIS BOOK IS VERY GAY. just making sure u knew. <3

let's just get right into it-

ship: woosan (WOOSAN FOR LIFE BISHESSSSS) oh and it's also top San ;P

content: mostly just fluff and crack bcs idefk what i'm doing 🤠 (yet) and there is language ofc

It was just another normal day of practice, except for the fact that Wooyoung was completely exhausted. Ateez were currently practicing for their last concert of tour, so it was only natural he was tired. But Wooyoung, being who he is, wasn't going to say anything.

Everyone else was too focused to notice Wooyoung start to lag. It got worse and worse until he actually passed out from heat exhaustion. The hot summer heat (wtf is "hot summer heat"😭) of the state of Georgia was brutal compared to Korean summers.

As soon as Wooyoung fell to the floor, everyone immediately stopped in their tracks and rushed to help. San, who had just happened to be in position behind him, managed to catch Wooyoung's head before it hit the hard floor.

"Good catch, San. We should probably all take a break at this rate," Hongjoong panted, motioning for some staff to get their asses in the room to help. The other members nodded, agreeing and plopped down on the floor to rest.

"Can we pleeeaase be done for today?" Mingi half-whined at the oldest members. (what can i say; he's a baby 🥺)

Hongjoong and Seonghwa looked at each other like they were talking telepathically before nodding. "Of course. We don't want any more people wearing out." Seonghwa responded. They all looked over at San, who had layed Wooyoung down completely and was arguing with the staff over whether they should move the limp boy.

Eventually San won (ofc), and said, "I'm taking him back to the dorms now. No, I don't need help-" he promptly scooped Wooyoung up and pushed past the worried staff. The other members laughed a little before all going their separate ways to rest.


San carried Wooyoung all the way back to their room. Conveniently they were sharing, so he knew where to lay him. Throughout all the time Wooyoung was asleep, San kept finding it harder and harder not to take the opportunity to stare (a/n: don't be shy stare all u want lover boy😝). He wondered where this urge came from; or maybe it had always been there, and he only noticed it when nothing was stopping him. Wooyoung was very nice to look at. With his gorgeous silky hair, and his masterfully sculpted face, and his delicate pink lips- San forced himself back into reality. He needed to get Wooyoung cooled off before he could stand there and admire him. No- he didn't need stand there and admire him. What is wrong with me, San shook his head to clear it.

Aaaaaaaand his head was again filled with weird thoughts when he realized he'd have to take Wooyoung's shirt off. That was what you were supposed to do for heat exhaustion, right? So it made total sense? And it was perfectly normal? Right? Ugh, it would've been if San could stop himself from imagining running his hands over the younger's soft skin. Fuck San, get yourself together! He's like your brother! This is a normal brotherly thing! (a/n: but is it tho?👀)

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