Stolen Years pt 3

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warnings: cussing and mentions of su!c!d3

pls don't read if this triggers u. stay safe 😚 <333

There was light.

I opened my eyes.

It was chaotic, but there was light.

The blurry shapes I saw moving around slowly morphed into doctors and nurses.

*Switch to second person (author's pov)*

"He's waking up!"

"Must be the medicine wearing off."
"Hold on, keep him on the tube."

The people's voices became clearer as Seonghwa came back into all his senses.

"Mr. Park Seonghwa?" One of the nurses asked, meeting Seonghwa's gaze. "Can you speak now?"

Seonghwa looked around, somewhat still in a daze, trying to remember how on earth he ended up in a hospital room. He realized there was a tube down his nose and all kinds of strings attached to each arm. A blaring headache was tearing through his head; probably the thing that had woken him up.

"Shit," was the first word out of his mouth. He felt pain all over. He tried to remember why he was there, but nothing would come to him while the headache racked his head. He looked back at the nurse, her kind brown eyes waiting for him with patience. "Why am I here?!"

The nurse's gaze turned somewhat sympathetic. "What do you last remember?"

"Hongjoong... where's Joong?" Seonghwa desperately searched for memories, finding almost everything, but why he was in the hospital, he couldn't remember.

"Who is Hongjoong to you?" The nurse asked gently.

The question triggered a million more. Where was Hongjoong? Why wasn't he with him? Was Hongjoong hurt as well?


That word was familiar.




Seonghwa began to sob as his most recent memories replayed, of him taking the pills one by one, and then realizing at the last second that he didn't want to die.

"Can you tell me how you're feeling?" A doctor spoke this time, looking down at Seonghwa with a calculating look in his eyes, as if Seonghwa's answer would mean a whole lot more than it seemed to.

Seonghwa stared back at him, wondering what the look meant. It took him a moment to speak. "Were you the one that saved me?" was all he asked.

The doctor answered, "It was a team effort," still measuring.

"Thank you," Seonghwa whispered choking back more sobs and trying to gain control of himself.

His answer caused a small, relieved smile to spread across the doctor's lips. "You are very welcome, Mr. Park."

"Wait- how did you find me? How did I get here? And why did you look at me like that?" Seonghwa asked all at once, his mind racing for answers.

"One of your neighbors noticed your light was still on at 2 am; they knew you never stayed up that late, so they came knocking. When you didn't answer, they tried the door and found it was unlocked. They looked for you, and the rest is history. It's truly a miracle, Mr. Park. They got to you just in time to call an ambulance."

Seonghwa took in this new information gratefully, thanking the doctor once again. He was given details about when he could leave, and what they had done to save him, and that he was being referred to a therapist very soon. It was a lot to take in, waking up after almost dying, especially when one was the reason behind one's own almost dying.

In all the information, Seonghwa forgot about the pain of life for a moment. All he worried about was listening to the doctors and learning what he needed to do. Surprisingly he found that it was ok.

After questioning him intensely, Seonghwa was able to convince the nurses that no more suicide attempts would be made, and they finally left the room. He was left to his thoughts, which although muffled, were still slightly suffocating.

How am I going to pay the hospital bill? How am I going to pay the rent? He was ashamed of how much he had relied on Hongjoong for financial support, as well as everything else. His ex had truly had Seonghwa wrapped up in the palm of his hand, making him forget about taking care of himself. Which, he knew now, was what he needed to do. It was no way to live life if you gave your entire soul to another person. You had to keep caring for yourself, whether you had someone else to help you or not.

Seonghwa regretted all the years he spent relying on others solely. He realized that he might never have been hurt if he had only been giving himself what he deserved. He deserved love. Sure, it had been nice to have someone taking care of him, but he didn't truly need that. So he decided that no matter who came and went, who broke him or fixed him, he would always keep a part of himself that only he could take care of. A teeny, tiny part, that held a big role in life and death. A part that indeed saved him in the future from many more co-dependent, manipulative relationships. He learned that living meant loving yourself, no matter how other people felt about you.

a/n: hey thereeeee how ya been guys?



ok ok fine, ik i was gone for forever and a day, but i'm back!!! i've got a TON of little halfway-typed-up oneshot ideas, so once i complete and edit those, i'll start posting them.

i hope u enjoyed the final part of Stolen Years. it took me a very long time to write, even though its short; i just couldn't find the right way to put my message into words. my message being that YOU GUYS, PLEASE LOVE YOURSELVES BCS YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, TALENTED PEOPLE WHO DESERVE TO BE CARED FOR!!! AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET IT, LOVELY!!! i also want to say that u don't need someone telling u how to live your life. make your own choices and do what u need to take care of yourself. bcs in the end, you are the most important person to yourself.<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

i'll try to update soon,


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