Stolen Years pt 1

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Ship: Seongjoong a/u (top: isn't really relevant ig)

content: ANGST- gets emotional but only extreme in pt 2. don't read if ur not comfy with it <3

Seonghwa was nervous. Which wouldn't be surprising to any who knew him; he was always nervous, whether about his job, or his friendships, or his eating habits. Any little thing could set him on edge.

But this kind of nervous was different. This was the kind that ate at you from inside out and made you feel all jittery and hyper. It made Seonghwa want to run in circles and scream, but you can't exactly do that when you live in an apartment sandwiched by 5 other ones.

Seonghwa rubbed his hands together, trying to get rid of the sweat. His right hand dove into his pocket for the millionth time to feel for the small velvet case he knew was inside. He took his hand back out as quickly as he'd put it in; couldn't risk rubbing the velvet away. Yes, he worried about things as small as that.

The man's paranoia and OCD was something he'd lived with all his life; it most likely stemmed from his parents, who were the complete opposite. Seonghwa had grown up in a house that didn't care much for order or cleanliness, but he'd managed to escape that when he met his boyfriend, Hongjoong.

Hongjoong wasn't one to obsess over order, but he respected Seonghwa's love for it. He also loved him for it. Which was why there was a ring in the elder's pocket and sweat dripping down his brow. Seonghwa was still trying to comprehend the fact that he'd built up enough courage (or thought he had) to actually propose. But they'd been together for 2 whole years, with no considerably large disagreements. Seonghwa was proud to think of their relationship. It was healthy, it was strong, it was beautiful. It was everything he'd ever wanted. Hongjoong was his world.

(a/n: i can see u guys growing increasingly nervous. no spoilers tho *wink wink*)

Seonghwa glanced at the clock, resting more of his weight against the kitchen counter. He had an entire plan for the night. Hongjoong would get home from work, and he would blindfold him and take him to a nice restaurant he'd made reservations for at the beach. Then they'd eat, talking about normal stuff, and hopefully he'd be able to put on a calm front. After they'd eat, he would take Hongjoong for a beach walk at sunset (a/n: not me describing my dream date instead of focusing on the story) and there he would propose. So hopefully they'd come home later as fiancés. No, they would come home later as fiancés. Seonghwa chided himself. He had no reason to worry that his lover would say no. Not when he had loved him all these years and rescued him from his torturous life with his parents.

Seonghwa was so deep in thought that he hardly noticed the front door opening. But he did, and for the first time, wasn't sure what to do with himself. He just stood there awkwardly while Hongjoong bustled inside.

"I could use a little help here, babe," Hongjoong said, making Seonghwa jerk into action and grab all his bags from him a little too eagerly. Shit, this was going to be a long night. "You good?" Hongjoong eyed him warily.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just— let me take these. You can sit down and rest." Seonghwa shouldered the bags and went to put them in their shared bedroom.

When he returned to the living room, Hongjoong was sitting on their sofa half asleep. Perfect.

He snuck up behind him holding the blindfold he'd gotten ready. Hongjoong jerked awake as he tried to tie it on. Seonghwa was caught off guard when he pushed his wrists away and shot him a somewhat annoyed look. Seonghwa just looked at him with surprise and waited for him to speak. When the younger did speak, it wasn't at all what he expected.

"Seonghwa what are you doing?" Hongjoong's tone wasn't exactly kind, which hurt the other a bit. It also set off little alarms in the back of his head saying something wasn't right.

But Seonghwa pushed the alarms away and replied, "I'm blindfolding you. I'm going to take you somewhere, since it's Friday and you don't have work tomorrow." It was a really bad excuse, but he wasn't the best at lying anyways.

Hongjoong sighed, running a tense hand through his hair. "I'm busy tonight, jagi. You'll have to wait till next Friday since I'll be gone all weekend as well."

"Oh, well... where are you going?" Seonghwa questioned, trying his best to keep his composure instead of bursting into tears. All his preparations, for this?! His boyfriend had better have a good reason.

"I actually do have work." Hongjoong replied shortly, getting up and going to the kitchen to find something quick to eat.

Seonghwa bit his lip in thought. "But... your boss took you off overtime 3 weeks ago? You didn't tell me he put you back on that slave's schedule. Seriously, baby, that man uses you like a robot. Don't you need to rest?"

The younger didn't turn around to look at him as he said, "Yeah, it's fine."

Wow. It wasn't exactly the explanation Seonghwa had been looking for. Growing more and more irked by the minute, he took a deep breath to calm down. It wasn't like anything absolutely astronomical had been ruined. It wasn't like it was a huge deal. But then it was. Seonghwa wasn't going to let his boyfriend's boss ruin this perfect night. No way, no how. So he formed a new plan.

Seonghwa was just coming back to reality when he heard Hongjoong saying, "lock the door after me, will ya? Bye babe," and leaving. That had been fast. But it was actually better that way. More time to begin the plan.

Seonghwa hurriedly got his phone out and dialed Hongjoong's company's number. An automated voice answered, and he had to go through 4 whole questions before he was finally able to speak to a real person.

*on the phone bcs I'm too dumb to think of any other way to explain what happens hehe*

Associate: thank you for calling (a/n let's just say its KQ and Hongjoong is there as an office worker) KQ entertainment. How may I help you?

Seonghwa: Hello I'm looking for Kim Hongjoong's manager?

Associate: One second sir, I'll see if he is available.

*approx. 47 seconds later* (yes Seonghwa counted them)

Associate: He is available to speak with you now.

*sounds of phone being handed over to someone else*

Mr. Kim (Hongjoong's manager) (no they r not freaking related. im just a lazy bitch) How may I help you?

Seonghwa: Hello sir, I'm calling to ask about Kim Hongjoong's work schedule. He mentioned that he was supposed to come in tonight. Is there any possible way to adjust his schedule for another night?

Mr. Kim: I'm sorry sir, who is this?

Seonghwa: This is his boyfriend speaking.

Mr. Kim: Ah, thank you. And I believe Mr. Kim was mis-informed; I do not have him on the schedule for tonight. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Goodbye.

*The manager hangs up the phone somewhat abruptly*

Jesus. A guy can't even get a proper response in. Was the first thing on Seonghwa's mind. But then the realization of what he'd just been told hit him. Hongjoong wasn't supposed to work? So why did he leave? And... why did he lie?! Where was he? When would he be back? Tons more questions bombarded Seongwha's brain as he walked over to a chair like a zombie and sat down.

After a minute of pushing away the panic, he called Hongjoong. There was no answer. He tried again. Still no answer.

Seonghwa called him a total of 39 times. He texted him more than that. But there was still no answer.

Eventually the poor man gave up. He would just have to wait for Hongjoong to get home.

Seonghwa's hand made it's way to the ring in his pocket once more. This time, he took out the case and studied it, running his fingers along the soft velvet. Coming so close to a moment he'd waited to come for so long, and then being disappointed, made him feel worse than ever before. It made him want to yell at his boyfriend, to yell at his boyfriend's rude boss, to yell at the world for taking the perfect night away from him. But what would that matter when he'd been lied to? After 2 years of truths and honesty, he'd been lied to.

Seonghwa stopped himself from the overthinking. He closed his eyes and attempted to shut away all emotion, and ignore the world. 

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