Stolen Years pt 2

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a/n: im srry i killed ya'll with that cliffhanger for so long... hopefully this chap will make up for it :)

content: A N G S T. Attempted su!c!d3, PTSD, swearing, just very emotional. pls dont read if this bothers you. stay safe!!


But Hongjoong also had... guilt.


And it was all piling on him now as he stared at the tears streaming down Seonghwa's face.

So much guilt, so much regret, so, so much, that he finally decided it was enough.

He was tired of playing this game.

So Hongjoong looked at the beautiful ring held by the beautiful man, he swallowed hard, and he told the truth.

"No. I can't marry you."

Seonghwa stared at him in disbelief. He just stared. His thoughts were racing at a mile per minute and he couldn't put anything into order. All he could think about was two years. The phrase repeated itself in his mind over and over again. Two years. Two years. Two years. Two whole fucking years. All for what? To be rejected? He kept waiting for his lover to explain, for anything, any form of closure. There was silence for a long moment. Neither of them wanted to speak. Seonghwa was too sad. Hongjoong was too guilty.

"You told me not to lie. I'm not going to lie anymore. There's someone else. I'm done with you."

And again, the phrase didn't stop.

Two years.

Two years.

*Seonghwa's pov*

Two years. I couldn't understand how two years suddenly meant nothing. Time had value, I knew that, and time was supposed to heal, time was supposed to build. So why had time lied?

My thoughts raced faster and faster while time stood still. I couldn't think straight. But at the same time my thoughts were pounding. I felt like I couldn't feel my head. Nothing made sense anymore. I was almost like someone had taken my soul from my body.

Hongjoong was my safe space. He was the one thing that would never change, would never hurt me, and would always love me. But he was standing there, now, in this moment, denouncing our love as if it had never existed.

I didn't know how I felt anymore. But one thing I did know, we were over. I had done this before. I knew how it went. I knew that it was lost. What I had with him was lost. It was nothing new to me. The only thing that hurt me, and god, it hurt bad, was that it was Hongjoong. I never expected this person, who loved me so much, to be one of the ones who hurt me. He was supposed to only ever love me. He was supposed to prove to me that I deserved love. He had healed me from my past. He was never supposed to break me.

But now he was.

I shut my emotions down. It wasn't hard, being that I'd done it countless times before. I adopted a blank face. I looked Hongjoong straight in the eyes.

"Leave." My voice was perfectly steady and lacking of all emotion.

That was all. That was it. He looked at me, he saw the blank expression on my face, and he left. He left because he knew I meant what I said. I could tell it hurt him, but, what right did he have to be hurt when he was also a hurter?

After he closed the door behind him, my walls crashed like a nuclear bomb had been dropped on them. And Hongjoong's false love was the radiation. Suddenly I was on the floor sobbing, unable to control myself any longer. My sobs racked my body, they were almost inhumane, but I didn't stop. The pain was too much for even me, who had hid it for so many years, to bear. I was tired of hiding the fact that I was always one memory away from falling apart.

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