the gremlin is bullying Glodie

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*Hunter's POV*

I was relaxing in my room with flapjack (or rascal, a name given to him by the human). He was snuggling in my lap, while I was stroking him on the head. He is the cutest thing ever when he is tired!

Suddenly, there was an extremely loud knock on the door, ruining mine and Flapjack's bonding time. Flapjack looked wide awake after that, he kept his eyes locked on the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted, I think I know who it is but I ask just to be sure

"The emperor wants to see you, he seems quite mad at you" I hear from the other side of the door. My heart stops in its tracks, he is mad at me, but why? Atleast who was at the door, hehe...heh.

"...I'll go t-there in a minute" I stutter out. My breath gets shakier and I feel heavier as I hear Kikimora walk away. Flapjack flew over and tried to calm me down, he somehow manages to do so as I feel myself getting lighter and my breath getting steadier.

I walk over to my mask and put it on, I say bye to Flapjack and head to go see my uncle.

She was joking about him being mad, right?

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