Harry's View

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I wake up to find myself in a room. Not my room in Hogwarts, but in a strange bedroom painted the colour of the sea.  Outside of the bedroom, I could hear someone humming as they cooked breakfast. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Where in the world am I? I wondered as I dragged myself off the bed. Opening the closet, I found clothes my size. Creepy. Gently pulling open the door, I saw a woman cooking something that looks like... blue pancakes?                 

"Honey! You're finally awake! You know that even though it's the weekend doesn't mean you can sleep for 24 hours." The woman chided teasingly. I stared, shocked. How did she know me? She must have noticed my expression because she suddenly grew concerned. 

"Are you okay, Percy? she asked. I nodded, trying to bring myself to speak. Standing there confused, I watched as the woman reluctantly left the dining room and to what looked like a kitchen. I stumbled to the couch, sinking into the cushions. Who is Percy? And where is Hogwarts?

After breakfast, which was the most delicious pancakes I have ever had, I ran out of the stuffy apartment and into the fresh air. As I broke into a run, thoughts flew around in my head. Who is Percy, where am I, and why can't I remember anything? Just then, a thought made me stop. Where was my wand!? I froze, cursing silently for forgetting to search the room. Backpedalling, I ran as fast as I could back to that apartment. Bursting through the door, I collapsed into the bedroom. I tore through the bedroom, frantically searching for that certain special stick. The woman burst into the bedroom, staring at the mess. 

"Perseus Jackson! What in the world are you doing?" I froze, slowly turning around. As I started to speak, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. Stepping forwards, I watched as my hands, no, someone's tan hands scratch their face. I looked like someone who spent a lifetime at the beach, a surfer or swimmer. Unlike my own raven-black hair, this person's hair was like coal. It was unruly and I have a cowlick on the side of my head. Wide sea-green eyes stared into the mirror. I looked at the figure in the mirror. Is this me?

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