Hope's View

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I woke up to find myself tangled in the freaking multiverse. I screamed, trying to shake off the white, pink, and purple strands of the sticky multiverse. I can't believe how incredibly stupid and incredible it sounds. Finally brushing off those sticky web things, I looked around. Apparently, I was in some sort of a room. Okay, Okay. You don't believe that the multiverse is a room. But it is. I don't mean to sound like some whiny child, but it is. Just trust me. 

"Why, hello there Hope Viotto." A new and super creepy voice rang through the room (or a.k.a the literal MULTIVERSE, HELLO!) 

"Who are you and why in the entire world do you know my name? BTW, my last name is pronounced ve-Ah-toh." I screamed into the galaxy-painted room. I felt soooo fidgety as I waited for a response. One thing, I have ADHD. So floating in place really get's on my nerves. When the mystery person finally responded, I felt filled with nervous energy. Like I drank a zillion cups of coffee. I could run on and on without stopping for, like, ten hours. That's how energized I felt. Finally, the voice replied. Except that this time, it was calmer and... and ... nice, that's the only way I could describe it. 

"Hope, I hope that you forgive me." The nicer voice sadly said. It sounded like she was about to break down.

"Hope, I don't have much time but you need to find the three heroes. Go on my daughter. Find the missing. You must go before the - find you. Go! Run, Guardian of the Multiverse! Thier coming!" Her voice faded away and was replaced by that creepy voice. 

"Hope Viotto, you will never be able to escape." The person sneered. I ran blindly and wished for a door. Suddenly, a bright flash created a doorway. I stumbled through it. My mom was alive? Does that mean that... the creepy voice person was Dad!?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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