Sophie's View

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I woke up with a start. Looking around through sleepy eyes, I was jolted awake when I noticed I wasn't in my bedroom. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I saw sleeping figures on the beds beside me. Where am I? I wondered as I crept out of the dormitory. I stumbled into what seemed to be the main room, like a living room. Inside one of the armchairs was a boy. He had startling red hair and appeared to be sleeping. As I came closer, he opened his eyes and grinned at me.

"How are you, Harry!" He asked with a smile. I stared at him. Why was he calling me Harry? Looking at myself, I noticed that I was wearing a robe of some sort. And, was that black hair I just brushed away? I started to back up. 

"Harry!" Harry?" Blurry people began to call my name. I felt a knot of confusion mixed in with anger and unleashed it. Heaving, I crawled out of the room, trying to escape this dormitory.

The stone hallways seemed to stretch on and on. I walked barefoot, wincing with every step. I should have grabbed a pair of slippers! I silently chided myself. Suddenly, rapid footsteps came from my right. Before I could react, strong hands grabbed my arms and started to lead me back the way I came. I was too tired and worn out to fight. 

"Who are you and who am I?" I finally asked as we reached the doorway. The woman stared at me. 

"Why, you are Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived." 

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