Percy's View

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I woke up to find myself in a huge room. It was like my entire apartment. The bed was the size of my room. I shrugged. I could get used to this. Hopping out of bed, I stared at my PJs. They were pink. With lace. Screaming with disgust, I ripped them off and hurried to the closet. The clothe inside the closet made me scream even more. Dresses and dresses. Blue, green, and purple. No real clothes. Picking the one that seemed the least poofy and huge, I bellyflopped onto the bed. Out of nowhere, a large fart came from under the bed. I lifted up my head and peeked under the bed. Inside a cage was what looked like a monkey with wings. I wrinkled my nose as I lifted it onto the bed. It had purple, curly hair and stared at me like, Who the heck are you?

Suddenly, two strange people burst into the room and ran towards me. I sprang to my feet and got into a defensive position. I grabbed at air, cursing that this dress didn't have a pocket so I could have Riptide. The two must have been concerned because they looked at each other and slowly approached me. I got ready to attack.

"Sophie? Did you have a nightmare? Are you okay? Do you need a hug?" Who must be the mom anxiously asked. 

The dad added, "And watch your language!" I froze, confused. Who were these people? The two stopped right in front of me and engulfed me in a huge bear huge. For some reason, I leaned into their embrace. After coming to my senses, I shook my head and backed up. Now it was their turn to be confused. The dad must have whispered something into the mom's ear because she ran out the door. The dad glanced at me one last time before going after the mom. 

Stumbling outside, I found myself in a living room that was like a literal ballroom. My jaw dropped and I twirled around. Gemstones of all kinds were embedded in the walls. I looked around for the mom and the dad. No one was looking so I picked off some of the tinier gems. I glanced wistfully at the larger rubies and emeralds. One of those gems could make us rich and my mom would never have to work so hard ever again. But these tinier ones would have to work. 

"Sophie? A girl that looked so much like Annebeth made me catch my breath. "Sophie? What are you doing? At the thought of Annebeth, I realized that I had no idea where I was except that I was called Percy Jackson. When I tried to remember what had surprised so much, I could only call a blank. 

(ON HOLD) Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora