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Stiles parks the Jeep in his driveway and jumps out, quickly moving to help Evelyn climb out as well

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Stiles parks the Jeep in his driveway and jumps out, quickly moving to help Evelyn climb out as well.

"So... movie time?" he asks, earning a nod from Evelyn.

"Movie time." she confirms.

Stiles grins and grabs her hand, leading the way into her house. The teens make their way up to Evelyn's room— only pausing to say hello to her parents who luckily didn't question her whereabouts— with Ash trailing happily behind them. Stiles immediately plops onto one of the bean bags on her floor while she goes over to her tv.

"So... New Hope or Fellowship?" she asks.

Stiles raises an eyebrow at her. "You're honestly asking me that?"

Evelyn laughs and shakes her head before turning back to the tv and putting on New Hope. She lays down on the floor next to him, using the other bean bag as a pillow, and Ash immediately moves to lay next to her head.

Evelyn absentmindedly strokes Ash's head while watching the opening credits, but turns to Stiles when she feels his eyes on her. "What?" she asks softly, unsure of the look he is giving her.

"Am I really your Han?" he asks, almost shyly.

Evelyn moves around so she is on her side facing him, smiling at him with her hands under her cheek. "Really really."

Stiles eyes seem to sparkle when he beams at her, and Evelyn is momentarily distracted by them. "Does that make you my Leia?"

She feels her cheeks heat up at the question but shrugs and lays back onto her back again. "I feel like I am a mix between Leia and Chewie." she answers.

Stiles chuckles and grabs onto her waist to pull her closer to him. He motions for her to lift her head, moving his arm under her when she complies. The two kick their shoes off and Evelyn moves so her head is laying on her shoulder.

Stiles lets out a content sigh and kisses the top of her head, making her cheeks heat up again.

'Well shit.' she thought. 'Isaac might be right.'

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Stiles had barely been in his house for minutes after their movie marathon before he was climbing back into her window.

"What's wrong?" Evelyn asks, noticing his alarmed face.

"The bus driver is dead."

Evelyn's eyes widen and she drops the game controller she was holding. "What?"

Stiles just tosses her shoes at her, almost hitting her in the face. "We gotta go tell Scott."

"Why don't you just call him?" she questions, but tugs her shoes on regardless.

Stiles sighs. "Because. Now come on!"

"You're so bossy." Evelyn grumbles before following him out the window into his house, where they then are able to run downstairs and to his Jeep unhindered.

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