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"Are you sure I can't convince you to come with us?" Stiles asks once again, following Evelyn around her room while she puts her freshly laundered clothes away

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"Are you sure I can't convince you to come with us?" Stiles asks once again, following Evelyn around her room while she puts her freshly laundered clothes away.

Evelyn lets out a sigh for what seems like the hundredth time. "Yes, Stiles. I'm sure. Go have some bro time." She turns to see a smirking Stiles holding out a bright blue
pair of underwear that she had dropped, and rips it out of his hands with flaming cheeks. "Besides, Isaac is coming over in a bit."

"Yeah, yeah." Stiles says grumpily.

Evelyn raises an eyebrow at his sudden mood change. She walks the few steps up to him and wraps her arms around him in a hug. Stiles' arms automatically wrap around her and hold her tight in return.

"We've been out of school since the whole incident on Wednesday, and we've literally spent the entire time together." Evelyn leans back a little to look up at him without letting go. "You have to share me with my other friends sometimes, Stiles."

Stiles clearly disagreed, but he didn't argue. Instead, he leans forward and kisses the tip of her nose, chuckling when she wrinkles it. He lets go of her with a sigh and takes a step back. "Fiiiine."

"Love you." Evelyn calls after him with a grin.

Stiles stops in her doorway and turns back to her with a smile. "Love you too, Bug."

Shortly after Stiles left to try to get Scott drunk, Isaac showed up. He immediately walks into her room and flops face first onto her bed.

"Well, hello to you too." Evelyn greets with a snort, patting his calf as she passes.

Isaac huffs and mumbles something into her mattress. Evelyn pauses getting their movie ready to raise an eyebrow at him. "What?"

He sighs and flips onto his back. "I said Hi, I'm tired."

"Hi Tired, I'm Evie." she snickers. "Rough night at work?" She turns away from the tv to look at him and freezes. "What happened?"

Isaac flinches slightly when Evelyn quickly runs over to sit next to him, eyeing the brand new fat lip he was sporting. Evelyn catches the flinch and frowns, refraining from reaching out to touch his face.

"Are you ok? What happened? Did someone do this? If they did, I know people, I can make them disappear. I know this one guy... well, actually he might be dead—"


Evelyn stops her rant to look expectantly at her friend. Isaac grabs her hand and sends her a smile, but she notices it doesn't reach his eyes. It's not a full Isaac Lahey smile.

"It's fine, don't worry. I just had an accident with the digger." he says, trying to calm her down.

Evelyn watches him for a moment, eyes scrutinizing his expressions to see if he was lying. She deflates slightly after a moment though. Even if he was lying, she wouldn't be able to tell. He had an amazing poker face. She had learned that the hard way.

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