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Evelyn, Stiles, and Scott burst through the school doors in a panic. Stiles moves Evelyn a few feet away before leaning on the closed doors with Scott.

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yells.

"Do I look like I have the key?" Stiles snarks.

Evelyn inspects the door frantically, looking for a lock, while Scott groans. "Grab something!"



Evelyn stands on her tiptoes to look out the window, seeing the bolt cutters on the ground while purposefully not looking to where the Alpha had thrown Derek's body.

Stiles notices what she is thinking and shakes his head. "No, I'll do it."

"Neither of you do it!" Scott yells, but they ignore him.

Evelyn looks at Stiles and holds out a fist. Stiles holds out his own, a determined look on his face. They shake their fists three times, and Evelyn's hand flattens into paper while Stiles' hand...

Turns to scissors?

Evelyn gapes at him. He had always, always, ever since they were little, chosen rock. With a smirk, Stiles 'cuts' her hand paper with his hand scissors, then kisses her forehead and slides out the door.

Evelyn shakes herself from her shock, standing on her tiptoes again to look out the window. Scott grabs onto her hand when he steps up next to her, and they cling to each other as they nervously watch their best friend creep towards the discarded bolt cutters.

Stiles grabs the bolt cutters off the ground, turning back to the school and raising them in triumph. Evelyn sees movement in the shadows next to the Jeep and feels all the blood drain from her face. Her and Scott both start banging on the door, yelling for Stiles to run.


"Stiles run!"

Stiles looks over to the side and sees the Alpha staring at him, slowly moving forward. Not waiting another moment, he sprints back to the school, bolt cutters in hand, while Scott and Evelyn continue to shout for him. He quickly slips into the school, closing the door and wedging the bolt cutters in the handles to hopefully keep the Alpha out.

The three teenagers back away from the door, Stiles grabbing onto Evelyn to keep her close to him.

"That won't hold, will it?" Scott asks.

"Probably not." Stiles answers grimly.

A loud howl echoes through the school, and the three look to each other with wide eyes before running. They run through the dark halls, Stiles keeping a firm grip on Evelyn's hand. They duck into one of the open classrooms, and Stiles and Scott start pushing the teacher's desk in front of the door.

Evelyn winces at the loud screech the desk makes when its dragged against the floor.

"Stop, stop!" Stiles exclaims. "The door's not gonna keep it out."

Scott sighs and leans against the desk. "I know."

Stiles pulls Evelyn against his side again and she clings to his jacket while they back away from the door.

"It's your boss." Stiles says suddenly.

Scott whips his head around in surprise. "What?"

"Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss."

"No." Scott says, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yes!" Stiles exclaims. "Murdering psycho-werewolf!"

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