Izuku had one more night patrol to go and he was beyond ready to have it done with. Ever since their phone call, Katsuki had taken to texting pictures of himself to Izuku. They weren't even lewd necessarily, sometimes just pictures after a workout when sweat was still glistening on his skin, or sitting alone at the dinner table and telling him there were leftovers in the fridge.

Katsuki had also started kissing him when they passed each other at the door, pulling him back for a hug and quick kiss before he could leave for work.

Izuku was thrilled, but confused. Shocked as people might be by the fact, Izuku had had fuck buddies in the past and to his knowledge they didn't do this—course he hadn't been living with them. No, this behavior was, well, like they were dating.

Were they dating?

Izuku had no idea. They'd never said they were, but it felt like it, and he wanted them to be dating—he could at least admit that to himself.

It was a conversation that needed to happen but he was utterly terrified he was horribly, mistakenly wrong and confessing his desire to try something more than just sex would ruin their friendship. Plus he was still under the influence of the quirk and he had no idea if it had a bigger role to play in the tangle of emotions.

Right now though, alone in the apartment, five hours from being on-duty and at least four hours from Katsuki being home, these weren't problems he could deal with. He could, however, deal with the raging hard on he had from thumbing through all the photos of Katsuki he'd been saving to a discrete folder on his phone—especially from that night on the rooftop. He'd been wondering anyway if he had to have a partner to engage and fulfill the needs of the quirk.

Maybe there was one embarrassing sex thing he knew he'd been avoiding. If he could fulfill the need on his own then he'd never have to try to explain it to Katsuki.

It was worth a shot, right?

Bakugou was beyond tense. Over the course of the past nine days he'd steadily become more irritable and aggressive, culminating in a 'verbal altercation' with some shitty intern at his agency. The asshats in HR had told him to go home for the rest of the day and cool off. He hadn't had something like this happen since the first year he was at the agency and they'd made it clear he either got his shit in order or he wouldn't have a job.

Jamming the key into his apartment lock as he returned home created a new knot of frustration because he knew Izuku was probably home, but asleep. He passingly wondered if he could sneak in to Izuku's bedroom to nap beside him, but it's not like they'd established an actual relationship and that might be going over the line he'd been toeing.

He'd been acting like the relationship was real and Izuku was letting him, but until that damn quirk was gone Katsuki couldn't feel certain Izuku wasn't being influenced in some way. The quirk required trust and attraction, not romantic affection. And they'd both been single for so long, it wasn't any wonder they were a little touch starved.

He sighed in frustration as he gently closed the door behind himself, kneeling down to properly undo the laces on his boots. Resigning himself to just curl up in his own bed or crash on the sofa, he frowned in frustration.

But then, he noticed the apartment wasn't as silent as he'd expected it to be. He could hear the muffled sounds of Izuku panting, a desperate garbled moan still loud enough for Katsuki to hear. For a brief moment Katsuki thought Izuku might have found someone else to help him, the thought made him want to vomit all over their neatly organized shoes, but there was the proof—there weren't any strange sets of shoes at the door. They didn't have a visitor, so Izuku must be alone. Now that was something he had to see for himself, pictures were not enough.

What's A Little Kink Exploration Between Friends? by tumbleweedchaserWhere stories live. Discover now