Part 22

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Izuku eagerly sat in the back of the taxi, hands drumming on his jean clad knees as he watched the passing traffic. Katsuki had legitimately quizzed him over the club rules during dinner and then the club layout while watching Izuku scrub the dishes.

Izuku had rattled off the information he'd read earlier, "There are three floors total. The ground floor is mostly just a social area with a bar and dance floor, as well as a small medical space and some private rooms. Under the clothes toys are fine to use there but that's the line. Upstairs is the show floor where scenes take place but penetrative intercourse and oral sex is not allowed though vibrators and other toys can be used and some nudity is allowed, there's an after-care room and a private group room available on that floor. The wet floor is in the basement area and scenes are allowed to include all forms of sex—there's another after-care room available down there too."

"And what if one of the club doms interrupts our scene to check on you?" Katsuki had asked.

"I answer honestly!" Izuku had answered, flicking soap suds at Katsuki.

"Cheeky little brat, I'm packing the paddle."

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Kacchan!"

"Just making my point for me, aren't ya, nerd?" Katsuki had muttered as Izuku set aside the last clean dish and dried his hands. "Alright, I picked an outfit for you, so go put it on while I get dressed."

Now, Izuku shoved his hands into the kangaroo pocket of his hoodie, the soft material hiding his club clothes until they were inside. Katsuki had aimed for a simple look: baggy black cargo pants, a black v-neck T-shirt, and his usual combat boots. He had a black duffel bag resting in his lap,

As the taxi pulled up to the curb near the club, Izuku bit his lip with anticipation. He'd read all the information, but still didn't really know what to expect once he got in. There was the added fact that the club catered to high profile individuals, big names in film and news media, singers and models, corporate faces, and, of course, heroes. Katsuki made it clear that Hitoshi and Denki weren't the only familiar faces they might run into and gave strict order to "not be fucking weird about it."

Izuku had jokingly asked, "Even if I see Aizawa-sensei tying someone up with his capture weapon?"

He hadn't been prepared for Katsuki to respond with a serious, "Especially when you see Aizawa."

Katsuki pulled his roaming mind to the present, "C'mon, nerd."

"Yes, Kacchan!" Izuku answered with a smile, sliding across the backseat to exit the taxi and step out onto the curb.

The outside of the club was simple, no flashing lights or intimidating bouncer—not even a sign to really announce what it was. To an outsider, it looked like a simple office building. Lines were avoided by having people join the queue virtually, allowing members to know in advance how large the crowd was.

Katsuki led them inside, opening the door and ushering Izuku inside with a hand at the small of his back. A clinical looking entrance lobby greeted them, once again reminding Izuku of a corporate office. At the front desk was a middle-aged woman in professional clothing, hair tied back in a neat bun.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

"We checked in online, Bakugou and Midoriya."

"Let's see here," she answered, clacking away at her keyboard for a moment, "Here you are! And I see you match your Member ID Pictures. I'll need to inspect your bag and place your cell phones as well as any other recording devices you may have in a locker for you."

Katsuki handed over his duffel for her to inspect and then took Izuku's phone so they could hand them over together.

"Excellent, gentlemen," she answered, "If you need anything once inside, you can ask the attendant at the service counter on any floor or ask any of our roaming moderators."

What's A Little Kink Exploration Between Friends? by tumbleweedchaserTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon